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Tag Archives: bed bugs

The Natural Bed Bug Treatment Guide

The Natural Bed Bug Treatment Guide There are many of you out there, like myself, who would rather do home repairs and projects ourselves. Armed with a bit of internet knowledge, many of us can complete these projects and save a boatload of money in the process. Today, I will arm you with some knowledge […]

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Bed Bugs Are Everywhere

Bed Bugs Are Everywhere Think you can avoid getting a bed bug infestation because you do not stay at a hotel? Think again. Bed Bugs can be found anywhere people go. These blood-sucking creatures can be found in so many places that most people never even dream of. For instance, restaurants have reported bed bug […]

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Bed Bugs and the Elderly

Bed Bugs and the Elderly Bed bugs are all around us, and we are entirely unaware.  They live everywhere humans spend time, not just in our beds. Sadly, these blood-sucking creatures can be in hotels, buses, schools, concert venues. Additionally, they are found in sports arenas, restaurants, and many other places as well. Most of […]

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Bed Bug Bites

5 Guaranteed Ways to Help Prevent Bed Bug Bites and Infestations Bed Bug Bites and Infestations Have you ever woken up and noticed red dotted stains on your bedsheets? Or smeared shells and flakes of brown skin littering your mattress? If the answer is yes, chances are you’ve become a victim of bed bug bites […]

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Bed Bug Tips

9 Hotel Stays Bed Bug Tips 9 Hotel Stays Bed Bug Below are 9 Hotel Stays Bed Bug Tips to help you reduce the chances of bringing bed bugs home. Most people are (blissfully) unaware of just how serious bedbug problems have gotten in just the last decade or decade and a half. In fact, […]

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