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Palmetto Bugs

With all this rain we have been experiencing, here in the Tampa Bay Area, bugs are literally coming out of the woodwork. These bugs are popping up in places that you may not have seen before. The ones that have been observed, more often than any others, are the dreaded Palmetto Bug or Water Bug as many of us former Northerner’s call them.

This giant bug can strike fear, in some people, just for their sheer size alone. These nasty insects lurk in the darkness and run as soon as they discern motion.

Palmetto Bugs get their nickname because they like to hide beneath the leaves of palmetto trees. No matter what we call them, they are just very large roaches. Some Palmetto Bugs fly some only glide. Some do not like to be indoors, but will make their way inside after a heavy rain, or will fly in through an open door.

Others will crawl under our sliding glass doors, but most will enter through our garage doors. A hot garage is generally a great place for them to live due to the higher humidity and the storage most of us have.

Once the bugs get inside, there is a chance they will lay eggs. These egg cases, otherwise known as an ootheca, are carried by the female. She will glue these eggs, out of the reach of predators or any pest control products.

These eggs must hatch, and the 7-9 babies that reside inside must come in contact with treatment before they disappear from your home or business.

So, even if you squish the one you saw last night, the babies may show up at a later date. Don’t be alarmed by this idea. Instead, be aware that you may show themselves at another time.  Now that you know there might be more, what can you do about it?

First, seal any opening that you can that lead into your structure.  Preventing these nasty critters from entering your home in the first place is the key. Second, get rid of clutter. Palmetto Bugs love clutter and will lay their eggs in any of the storage items. Third, either hire a professional pest control company or self-treat.  Fourth, apply follow-up treatments as new pests avail themselves.

The rains may be over soon, but the roach eggs may hatch long after.  This article has prepared you with both knowledge and ways to reduce their numbers inside your home. The Palmetto Bug, Water Bug or Cockroach, no matter what you may call them may them, will not stand a chance since you now know your enemy.