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Common Florida Insects   arrow

Common Florida Insects

Because of its year-round subtropical climate (not to mention their elevated levels of humidity), Florida is a picture-perfect breeding ground for insects of all kinds. In fact, you’d be hard-pressed to find quite as many different types of common Florida insects has anywhere in the United States. Although some of the regions way out west (California and the Pacific Northwest, for example) could come close to rivaling the sheer volume of different types of bugs and creepy crawlies inside of their state borders.

But let’s not jump off-topic here.

There are literally hundreds and hundreds (thousands, even) of different types of bugs here in the state of Florida – some of them quite common all throughout the United States, with others that pretty much stay within the state borders.

Here’s a quick breakdown of some of the most common Florida insects that you are likely to come across!

Ants, ants, and more ants!

There are more than 15+ different species and individual types of ants living in the state of Florida, and scientists and researchers are discovering more and more different kinds of ants all the time.

You have carpenter ants, imported fire ants, ghost ants, crazy ants, and a whole host of others that are likely to all live on a single piece of property in the state of Florida. Most of them are positively harmless, though a few (like imported fire ants) will definitely give you some sleepless nights if they bite you or inject you with their poison.

Spiders like you wouldn’t believe

If you’re afraid of spiders (and most people are), you’re going to want to be super vigilant when you come down to the state of Florida.

There are more than 30+ different types and individual species of spiders living inside the state of Florida. They range from the smallest little black jumping spiders all the way up to predatory spiders like the wolf spider.

These are not the types of insects that you want to find sitting in your shower, hiding in your clothes, or waiting for you when you step out of the door barefoot.

Butterflies and moths abound

Butterflies and moths, on the other hand, aren’t nearly as creepy or as crawly as spiders and ants. But there are a whole lot of them around as well!

Monarch butterflies are probably the most prevalent of the bunch. There are other kinds and species of them darting and flitting around in the air pretty much all year round. Moths grow to unbelievably gigantic sizes down here in the state of Florida. They are also attracted to light sources when it starts to get dark.

So you’re going to want to look out if you throw the outside light switch on to grab the mail after the sun sets – you never know what you’re going to bump into!

Crickets and grasshoppers that look like they’ve come straight out of Jurassic Park

You won’t be able to fully appreciate just how big cricket or grasshopper can get until you have seen one in the state of Florida.

We’re talking about almost supersized bugs here; the kinds of walking giants that most people thought passed away and extinct long before the dinosaurs last roamed the earth.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

These oversized monstrosities are in pretty much every single backyard. These insects love to attach themselves to screen rooms and your lanai. This happens especially during their mating season when they couple up. But don’t be nervous. They are about as harmless and insect as you’re going to find down here in Florida!

If you would like us to identify a Florida insect for you, please visit –