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Identifying a Brandon Florida Flea Infestation   arrow

Fleas. Just saying the word makes you think of itchy little pests. And when you think about it, is there anything worse than an insect who would torment our beloved pets? Not really. At the end of the day, the pests that bite you are easy enough to deal with. But our little furry friends aren’t able to communicate with us. And by the time we realize that Fido has been having trouble with some hitchhiking parasites, it may be too late. Fleas won’t just stay on the dog forever, They can actually infest your entire home if you’re not careful and let them get out of hand. That’s why today we’ll be going over how you can identify a Brandon Florida flea infestation, and what you can do once that infestation is found.

Flea Infestation: Identifying The Problem

While finding a flea infestation is much easier than getting rid of them, it’s still an important step. The best way to start is to observe for pet’s behavior. If you see them scratching excessively, be sure to examine their fur carefully. Infested animals usually have reddened skin and lose hair from the flea’s bites. Their hindquarters and head and necks are the most commonly targeted spots.

These insects can be seen moving visibly through the hairs. The black and red droppings they leave behind are also a big tell. Fleas are about two millimeters in length and have flat, wingless bodies. They also have six long legs and are easily identified by their massive jumping leaps that they take. Eggs, larvae, and pupae also thrive in your home without a pet and are very difficult to see.

Brandon Florida Flea Infestation: What To Do

Unfortunately, there isn’t much you can really do as a layman when it comes to the actual infestation. For your dog, you’ll likely have to go and see a pet and make sure that your pup is properly taken care of. As for your home, well, you’ll likely need a pest control specialist to take over from there. And when you hire one, make sure to hire someone who is trusted and uses natural methods of pest control.  Mainly since chemical pesticides have had their safety called into question many times over the years.

If you allow the fleas to simply propagate in your home, you’ll just be in for another round of your pet suffering through an infestation. That’s why you have to make sure to call in a pro and get it done right, and safe the first time.

Get the job done right, and make sure that your family and pets aren’t put at risk by unsafe methods of pest control.