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Tampa Termites Number One Pest in Tampa   arrow

Number One Pest in Tampa

Since Tampa is known for travel you would think the number one pest call we receive would be for Bed Bugs. Instead, the number one pest call we get from the Tampa area is for Drywood Termites. These pests are all over our beautiful state but seem to really love the Tampa region. So today we will discuss Tampa Termites.

Most of the calls we receive are from people who have been through tenting. Consequently, they do not want to go through that ordeal again. These clients have had their roof damaged or their plants destroyed. Each has had to remove their food, bagged their clothes, and washed everything after the toxic treatment. These poor people even had to move out and find a place for their pests while these days long treatment took place.


When these clients found out about our service, they were elated. There was a Tampa Pest Control treatment for Drywood termites that would protect their roof, save their plants, stop them from having to bag or wash everything. More importantly, there was a treatment that would not kick them and their pets out of there home. With this treatment, the only ones that had to leave were the termites. And best of all, the treatment is Safe for People, Pets and the Environment.

During our treatment, our trained staff will locate and treat all the colonies that have availed themselves by injecting an Orange Oil directly into the colony. Once the oil is injected into the infested wood, it wicks through the nest destroying the eggs and colony on contact. The only thing left behind is the sweet smell of oranges.

Tampa Termites – Warranty

Like fumigation, our treatment does not prevent new colonies from entering the structure. New termites may enter your home or business, days, weeks, or months after treatment. As a result, our service comes with a One Year Retreatment Warranty. So, should these wood destroying drywood termites return, so do we. As long as your home or business is under warranty with us, we will retreat these critters at no additional cost to you.

Want to learn more about the treatment and you live in the Tampa Area, or anywhere in Central Florida give us a call at 1-800-634-1313. We offer a FREE no-obligation inspection for you!

Drywood Termite Pellets