If you live in Florida, you’ve probably heard of the no see um. What you know as the no see um is actually a small species of biting Sandfly that is a voracious hunter of blood. You’ll find they’re just like mosquitoes in why they hunt as well, as the female goes out to suck blood when it’s time to lay her eggs. Today we’ll discuss a few things you can do at home to deal with the no see ums, and why you should look to see a New Port Richey sandfly Exterminator specialist to deal with these little parasites.
New Port Richey SandFly Pest Control: Disease Vectors
The sandfly, just like mosquitoes, can carry diseases and parasites straight into your bloodstream with a bite. For one they carry something known as the Chandipura virus. This virus is a cousin of rabies and is actually deadly if you catch this off of one of these tiny parasites.
Outside of regular viruses, sandfly bites can also transmit a disease called Leishmaniasis into your blood. This disease causes you to have spiking fevers, enlargement of your liver and spleen, and a reduction of the red blood cells in your body. It’s deadly and can cause massive harm to your children or the elderly, as well as a healthy and fit person.
New Port Richey Sandfly Exterminator: What You Can Do
Noseeums are an aggressive and voracious species of parasite. Their bites can also cause you to break out into bumps and itchy welts and rashes. Thankfully, there are a few things you can do to reduce their numbers around your home.
When it comes to controlling noseeums around your home, it’s very similar to mosquito control. The first thing you’ll want to do is to remove any standing water from around your home. That means anything you leave outside needs to be brought in, or emptied of water any time it’s filed. Things like birdbaths, rain barrels without covers, potted plants, and other similar items. Also sweep up yard debris, especially if it tends to get and stay moist because those are also good spawning grounds for noseeums. Remove and empty these items as much as you can and they’ll have less area to lay their eggs and breed.
New Port Richey Sandfly Exterminator: What To Do When You’re Out Of Options
Sadly, the few home remedies that you can do without a professional probably won’t cut it. These voracious bloodsuckers can range far and wide, and with how often it rains in Florida it’ll be hard for you to remove all of their breeding grounds. Even if your yard is completely dry, all it takes is one puddle next door and you’ll have another swarm on your hand. That’s why you should look to employ a New Port Richey Sandfly Exterminator specialist. Especially one that uses natural remedies to pest problems, since chemical weed killers and pesticides have had their safety called into question.