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Tampa Tick Control News

Have you ever wondered if you need Tampa Tick Control? Let me ask you this question. Have you heard about the 9-year-old boy in Connecticut who had a tick in his ear? Apparently, for a few days, he had experienced a buzzing noise inside of his ear. He was experiencing minimal discomfort and was able to hear just fine. Yet, living in his ear was a tick. This report is according to a recent article in the New England Journal of Medicine.

The tick needed to be removed from the boy’s ear as soon as possible. Otherwise, damage to the eardrum and reduced hearing could occur.  The good news, the tick was able to be removed, and the boy received treatment to heal any ear abrasions.

Ticks are no joke. They can cause a whole mess of illnesses including Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. That’s why if you even suspect that there is a tick or ticks in your yard or home, it’s essential to contact a professional exterminator to perform a pest control treatment.

Ticks love wildlife and our pets. So even if you don’t venture into the woods on your own, there still may be ticks lurking close to your family. Have deer in your yard? Then you can have ticks. You might be thinking; I don’t have a pet or deer in my yard so my family should be safe from a tick infestation. That is not necessarily true. Guess who else can carry tick. Squirrels have been known to share a few ticks in our yard space. Stray cats are another culprit of a tick infestation. So, as I stated above, since ticks are no joke it is so imperative to contact someone to provide professional pest control should you even think you may need Tampa Tick control.

Do not leave the health of your family to chance, since ticks can spread horrible illnesses. Contact a professional exterminator to, at the very least, have your home and yard evaluated for a potential tick infestation. In the long run, it will be money well spent.