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Florida Mosquito Control   arrow

Just today I saw on the news that there’s a new species of invasive mosquito in Florida. They still haven’t studied it enough to know where it came from, or whether or not it’s a vector for human bloodborne illnesses. But even if it isn’t, I figured now is a good time to touch on Florida Mosquito Control, and once again recommend our mosquito smack service to you all. But before that, let’s touch on some helpful tips about how to keep these pests off of your property.

Florida Mosquito Control: Basic Tips

Alright, let’s get right into the meat of the matter and touch on some of the best tips for keeping mosquitoes out of your yard. And we’ll start with the number one most surefire way to guarantee that, at least, you’re not creating more of a problem than you already have. And that is simply getting rid of standing water around your home and yard.

The mosquito life cycle is based entirely off of water. They drink bloodmeals to make eggs that they lay on the water’s surface, which hatch into the larvae and live and grow in that water until they become full fledged adults. So that means no water means no larvae, which will eventually lead to a reduction in adults.

And it doesn’t take much water for those larvae to thrive. Many of them are drought resistant and go into dormant states when water levels are too low for them to thrive. Because of this, daily walks of your property to remove things like watering cans, overwatered vases that lead to overflowing water catchers, and just about anything else that can hold water for an extend period need to be checked.

Bird baths need to be replaced and cleaned daily. Not only is this better for the birds, but for you. Cleaning it will prevent the build up of bacteria and algae. And dumping that water every day will keep mosquitoes from breeding in it.

Now this won’t deal with the adults, but if everyone contributed at least a little to eliminating standing water on their property, Florida mosquito control would be a whole lot easier.

Do mosquito fish work

For some reason these things have been popping up everywhere lately. Signs advertising them for sale, even some counties doing it. However, there is zero conclusive evidence that these fish can control mosquito populations. Mosquitofish are a very aggressive species of fish. That means they’ll eat about everything in sight. Mites, snails, crustaceans, insects, and tadpoles are all on the menu. Mosquito larvae as well. But mosquito larvae are only a small part of the fish’s diet.

Mosquitoes lay too many eggs for one predatory species to handle. And not only that, the aggressive nature of this fish can be deadly for native animals when you introduce them. Mosquitofish have been known to shred the fins of large fish by attacking them. They also eat the eggs of larger species and will decrease a pond or lake’s biodiversity. If you plan on attempting this method, make sure the body of water you’re introducing them in won’t be affected negatively first. Contact your local fish and wildlife before introducing any species of animal anywhere, frankly.

Florida Mosquito Control: Mosquito Repelling Plants

Now, at the end of the day most of what’s going to follow in this section is going to have varying mileage. Things like plant placement, how many of the plants you have, and how much area you need to protect are going to vary from person to person. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give a few of these methods a shot. Plant a few of these in pots and place them at key spots near entrances, exits, or even inside your home if you can.

The first plant we’ll talk about is Horsemint. This is a fast growing and drought resistant plant. It reaches a height and width of roughly two feet. This plant grows really well in Florida. That’s because they’re suited for dry conditions and sandy soil. They’ll even tolerate salt and can grow near the ocean. But be careful, if you let it get away it will run wild everywhere. Best planted in pots.

Marigolds are next on the list. They’re often used as an ornamental border plant. There’s the added bonus of their distinctive smell. We love it, but mosquitoes don’t. They even contain a compound used in insect repellents. Having a few of these planted around your foundations may give you an edge you need.

Next up is Catnip. But obviously, be careful. This plant will without fail attract any feral cats in your neighborhood. So if you have cats or dogs of your own, you may want to skip this one. Anecdotally, I’ve heard people say this plant works better than DEET repellent when it comes to keeping mosquitos away. But because of the whole cat attracting thing, it’s best kept in a potted plant indoors.

Florida Mosquito Control: Who to call if there’s just too many

At the end of the day, this is a very difficult pest to control on your own. But at Earth’s Best, we offer a service called the mosquito smack service. Our trained technicians will evaluate your property and detail the nesting and problem areas around your home.

Once complete, our skilled employees will treat the nesting areas with a natural solution that will kill the mosquitoes while keeping your family, pets and the environment safe from those nasty biting critters.

Why Choose Earth’s Best?

Since its establishment in 1994, Earth’s Best Natural Pest Management has been a trailblazer in providing an alternative approach to pest management. We’ve grown into experts in non-traditional pest control, continually delivering a comprehensive suite of services and information. Our focus remains on safeguarding your children, employees, pets, and the environment. As we gear up for our momentous 30th anniversary celebrations in 2024, we anticipate marking this significant milestone with pride.

To contact us and get started on your pest control journey today, either visit our website at or call us at 1-800-634-1313,