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Down south we have more ant species than you can shake a stick at. And as the winter rolls in, they’re going to start looking indoors for food and shelter. But not all ants are small and harmless. Big bad pests like the fire ant exist within that family too. So that’s why today we’re going to talk about Valrico ant control and touch on some of the worst ant infestation species you can find in your home.

Valrico Ant Control: Overview

Inside, outside, everywhere. It’s really not uncommon to run across a nest of ants at least once a day down in Florida. And while they may be a typical species outside, you don’t want to find them in your home. Heck, if your yard has a bad enough infestation even walking around your own lawn with flip-flops on becomes a hassle. So let’s go species by species and see what kind of ants you should be ready to deal with in your home.

Fire Ants

Red imported fire ants are black and red in color and only about five millimeters in length. In the united states, there are many red species of ants. In fact, most people will call most ants red ants because they don’t know the species. Most often though, people are talking about the red imported fire ant. These bugs nest in moist environments such as lawns and the edges of riverbanks and ponds. They move eggs, larvae, or pupae up and down the galleries of their nest tunnels. A single colony can contain hundreds of thousands of worker ants and even several queens.

This pest makes unsightly mounds in people’s yards. These dirt piles aren’t just ugly, but lead into the underground ant colonies and may reach a foot in height and even more than that in width. Red imported fire ants are also vicious in their defense of the hive. These insects will attack and sting you with a chemical-laced sting that even signals to the other ants that you’re a target.

Stings can be painful and leave behind red marks that often become white, pustule-like blisters about one day after the sting. If someone disturbs their nest, ants by the hundreds may suddenly rush to attack the intruder and cause multiple stings and bites. However, only the sting and not the bite involve injecting venom and it is the ant’s venom that causes the typical sting reactions and symptoms. Red imported fire ant envenomation generally becomes a very serious medical reaction, especially if the sting victim is hyper-allergic to the venom.

And these are ants that can nest inside or outside of your home. But you didn’t do anything to attract them, they simply love this state and are a fact of life you may have to deal with.

Valrico ant control: Ghost ants

Ghost ants are very small ants. They can get into homes through openings around doors and windows. Cracks in your foundations are easy spots for them to wiggle into as well, not to mention poorly sealed areas around pipes. Plus these ants are sometimes accidentally brought inside infested plants. Once inside, they feed on sweets like sugar, cereal, and syrup. Ghost ants often appear on kitchen or bathroom counters and sinks. These intrepid pests also build nests indoors and out, even in wall voids or spaces between kitchen cabinets.

Ghost ants aren’t dangerous like fire ants, they’re still a very serious infestation, however. This is due to their tendency to put down multiple nests in one home.

Ghost ants usually have multiple nesting sites, as new queens leave their original nests and create their own colonies. The pests build nests in various places, even frequently disturbed areas like potted plants or the spaces between books on a shelf. Ghost ants are serious pests in greenhouses, so always inspect any plants you purchase to ensure they are not infested with ghost ants – and be sure to look carefully since their tiny size enables them to hide and not easily noticed.

Finding and removing ghost ant colonies is tough because there can be so many different nests in odd places. Any type of food crumbs or spills attract pests, and they contaminate whatever food products they invade. Ghost ants do not sting and rarely bite, but their presence and abundance inside will create a serious nuisance and potential property damage issue.

And realistically, seeing them in action in great numbers is the best way to see if you’re infested. They’re so small, it’s rare to notice them before that.

Valrico Ant Control: Tips to keep them out!

Now, once you have a serious ant infestation there really is no option other than to contact a pest control specialist. Without the proper training and tools, battling ants can be an uphill battle. What’s worse, an infestation can continue to grow if it is not properly treated.  However, there are a few steps to make an infestation less likely to occur. Many of these have to do with general cleanliness, as ants by nature are voracious scavengers.

The first thing you should do is eliminate sources of water from the home. Reducing moisture and standing water around your home can go a long way to help prevent ants. Repair leaky pipes, and routinely check under sinks for areas of moisture. Consider using a dehumidifier in damp basements, crawl spaces, or attics. Outside, ensure that downspouts and gutters are functioning properly so that water flows away from the home’s foundation.

And next, obviously, is eliminating food sources. Keeping your kitchen tidy will help to discourage ants from coming indoors. Wipe down counters and sweep floors regularly to eliminate crumbs and residue from spills. Store food in sealed pest-proof containers, and keep ripe fruit in the refrigerator. Wipe down sticky jars, especially any containing honey, syrup, soda or other sweets. Finally, use a lid on trashcans and dispose of garbage regularly.

And finally, block or seal off any entrances into the home. Make sure the rubber outlines around your doors and windows is in good condition, and check for cracks in your foundation that need repair.