There’s few pest insects as weird as the Silverfish. In fact, if you ask most people what they actually do, they won’t have an answer for you. That’s why today we’re going to cover the basics of the bug. What is a silverfish? What are the Signs of an Infestation? And whether or not you need the help of a Florida silverfish exterminator.
Florida Silverfish Exterminator: The Overview
But let’s start with the basics. What exactly are silverfish? Well, the silverfish gets it’s name from it’s silvery, almost metal look. They also have fish-liked shapes and movements. They’re known by other names as well, like bristletails thanks to the three long tail-like appendages on their rear ends. They have no wings but are shockingly fast for such a small insect. The adults have a body length of about three fourths of an inch not including the pronged tail. Silverfish are flat bodied insects. They taper from the head into a thin lower body covered with scales. They, like you might guess, are usually silver or grey on color and have long, threadlike antennas. And you probably won’t be able to see them, but they have small compound eyes that are situated on either side of their heads.
Silverfish are also nocturnal insects and tend to avoid the light. That’s why you’re likely to find them in dark places and see them scatter when you turn on a light. Their habitibal range also includes nearly the entire world. If there’s people, there’s usually silverfish. Strangely enough, these are also considered some of the most primative insects on the earth. They evolved to pretty much the state that they’re found in today as early as four hundred million years ago. But they’re still not much of a match for an experienced Florida silverfish exterminator!
Silverfish and Infestation
Silverfish are fast movers and excellent climbers. This insect can survive for weeks without any food or water, but require a high humidity enviornment to survive. When choosing a space to infest, the silverfish prefer areas with tempatures around seventy to eighty five degrees F. When they make their way into a house, Silverfish can be found almost anywhere inside of one. This includes a home’s bedroom, living room, atticts, basements, garages, and roofs. And in the case of roofs, they’re excellent breeding sites for silverfish during the warmer months. And from there they can move downward into your home to properly infest the area fully.
Keep a Sharp eye out
If you’ve worked in any kind of commercial building, you’ve probably seen Silverfish. They tend to infest structures like offices, stories, libraries, and warehouses. They’re usually introduced from one place to another via cardboard cartons of books and papers from other infested locations. Silverfish travel relatively large distances in the search for food. But once a silverfish finds a good source of a meal they tend to batten down and remain close to it for as long as possible. These are the places they will generally start to breed and infest and move out into the building.
The key to preventing a silverfish infestation is exactly that. Prevention. You need to inspect habitat areas where materials and space that silverfish like and are likely to infest. Anything stored against or near your house for example, such as wood piles, can be an easy highway into your home for the pests. And always keep your house’s exterior well inspected and repaired. This means caulking holes and reparing doors or windows that they can squeeze through.
And when it comes to actual infestation signs, being sharp is the key. Keep an eye out for their feeding marks. They may be irregular, but they can appear as holes, notches, or surface etchings on almost any paper material. Yellow stains, scales, and pepper-like feces can also be seen on infested materials.
And if or when you do find a silverfish infestation, it’s best to call a pest control specialist to properly inspect your home and recommend the appropriate method of treatment. The Florida silverfish exterminator is going to be much more equipped to handle this than your average layman.
Florida Silverfish Exterminator: Our advantages
When it comes to pest control these days, most companies use chemical pesticides. And I’m sure I don’t have to tell you, but these methods are just plain dangerous. From tents to poisons, they put you, your family, your pets, and the enviornment itself at risk. And if done improperly, you can have a home left nearly unlivable, or just have to constantly reapply these dangerous chemicals. That’s why we rely on natural products and physical controls as opposed to traditional chemicals.
We are a company that knows the causes of infestations, and the conditions in which these pests live. As opposed to other companies looking to just collect your cash and move on, we’re very hands on with our approach. Earth’s Best Natural Pest Management staff have been trained to identify problem areas such as potential nesting sites and are trained to treat the root cause as opposed to simply working on the symptoms of the underlying problem.
Controlling insects means more than just killing what we see scurrying out on your floor, in your garden, or across your bed. We focus on finding the root source and stomping out the bugs there to assure that there’s no reaccurance of infestation. And after 25 years in business, we stand on the cutting edge of natural and alternative pest control that focuses not only on a proper solution, but your safety as well. Earth’s Best can always provide you with the latest and most comprehensive range of services and information needed to protect your children, employees, pets and the environment. So feel free to either visit or sight at, or call today to discuss the treatment plans we have available for pests such as silverfish, roaches, termites, and more. We can be reached at 1-800-634-1313. Put your home in good hands today, and contact us to find the best Florida silverfish exterminator for your home.