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Florida Bed Bug Control 2022   arrow

Down here in the southlands we’re host to all sorts of pests. Be they pests that crawl, walk, swim, fly, or buzz. You name it, we probably have it. And it’s due to the brutal humidity of the American south. But it turns out, it’s not just outdoors that we have to deal with these pests. No sir, they follow us inside as well. In fact, some of them spend their entire lives in our home! That’s why today we’re going to talk about Florida bed bug control 2022, and how to prepare your home against them in the coming year.

Florida Bed Bug Control 2022: Overview

There are probably a few things quite so horrifying as going to bed and waking up covered in bites. If you’ve experienced this, there’s almost certainly some sort of pest infestation in your home. And not only that, it’s probably bed bugs. So to start, let’s discuss what exactly this creepy-crawly looks like.

Bed bugs are small, oval-shaped, brownish insects that feed on the blood of animals and humans. Adults of this species have flat bodies and are roughly the size of an apple seed before feeding. Once full on a blood meal, though, their bodies grow dramatically and turn reddish in coloration. And though wingless and flightless, these pests are surprisingly quick movers. They can easily crawl at speed over floors, walls, and ceilings. The females? They can lay hundreds of eggs over their lifespan, each one only the size of a mote of dust.

The immature nymphs shed their skins five times before reaching maturity. And each stage of shedding requires a hefty blood meal. Under favorable conditions, with plenty of blood on hand, they can develop fully in as little as a month and produce three more generations of bed bugs before their first year is over.

When do bed bugs bite?

Like roaches and many other pest species, bed bugs are nocturnal. So if you’re looking for some Florida bed bug control 2022, make sure to look out in the mornings. They are active mainly at night and bite people while they are sleeping. Like mosquitoes, bed bugs feed by piercing the skin and drawing blood in through a long beak. Once they bite, they stick around for about three to ten minutes before they become engorged. After, they do their best to return to whatever hole they crawled out of unnoticed.

At first, the bites are painless. But like many other bites from bugs, they become itchy and swollen welts after not too long. Bed bugs also bite on any area of exposed skin, unlike other pests such as fleas that prefer to bite around wrists and ankles. It’s easy to confuse these bites for others and attribute them to the wrong pest, however. Many people attribute the itchy lumps to other pests such as the previously mentioned mosquitoes.

Infestation signs

Obviously, the first sign that you need some bed bug control 2022 is going to be the presence of bites. If you go to sleep and there isn’t a bite in one spot, but you wake up and there is, that’s a good sign of what’s going on. Especially if you’ve been traveling recently or have just brought in a secondhand piece of furniture. But other than the bites, there’s a few signs of a bed bug infestation.

For once, look out for bloodstains on your sheets or pillowcases. When bed bugs draw your blood, the wound can stay open for a bit after; causing you to spill some blood in these areas. Also, look out for dark spots of rusty-looking excrement. Look on your sheets and mattresses, but also check your walls and bed frame. Bed bugs poop as they go, so they can leave smears of digested blood as they walk.

Obviously, fecal spots, dead bed bugs, shed skins, and eggshells are other good signs. And, weirdly enough, bed bugs actually stink. They leave an offensive, musty odor where they nest. And this smell may be nice to other bed bugs. However, it’s best described as “musty” to our noses.

And, obviously, spotting the bed bugs themselves would be a good sign. They’re quite hard to find when they don’t want to be found. But checking things like your bedframe, loose carpeting where the wall meets the floor, and old electrical outlets that are sticking off of the wall may reveal them.

Florida Bed Bug Control 2022: Home Treatment

Now, once you have a bed bug infestation you have to call a pest control specialist. No, if’s, and, or buts about it. This isn’t a problem for a layman to deal with on his own. These bugs are prolific infesters and will out-reproduce a nonprofessional’s attempts at dealing with them. However, there are a few things you can do to ease your suffering in the meantime while you set up a plan. For one, find them all.

If you suspect you have bed bugs, you need to figure out where they’re located before they start to snowball. Not only that but finding and dealing with them early is a lot cheaper than a big infestation. Look in places like your box spring, baseboards, between couch cushions. Basically, anywhere small enough for them to squeeze into.

Then, once located, start trying to contain them. You probably won’t be able to get them all, but that’s what the pros are for. In the meantime, catch as many as you can. Run your vacuum over possible hiding places. This includes places like your dresser, carpeting, and bed. And then seal up any affected furniture and clothing in plastic bags until you can wash them. Cycle them through a full load, and leave them for a longer dry than usual. That should kill any bugs still caught in them.

And finally, get your home ready for treatment. The company you deal with is likely going to need to come inside and really get in there to deal with the infestation. So doing a little prep work can help speed this along. For example, make sure all of your drapes, carpets, clothing and other hiding places have been cleaned, thrown out, and put away somewhere safe. Then, seal up areas that the bed bugs haven’t yet but could migrate to. Electrical outlets like I mentioned above, cracks in furniture and baseboards, etc.

If you need help, feel free to contact us through the website or over the phone at:  1-800-634-1313