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Florida Critters: Raccoon   arrow

Florida Critters: Raccoon

Florida Raccoons are about the size of a small dog. Most noted for their black mask and bushy ringed tail. Most raccoons weigh 8-15 pounds. Raccoons are common throughout the state and occur everywhere trees are offering the cavities they often use. As a result, they also tend to stay near a reliable source of water and are commonly found in urban areas.

Raccoons are among the most intelligent of Florida’s wildlife. These critters feed on fruits, plant material, eggs, crustaceans, small animals, and even garbage. They usually become active in the late afternoon and throughout the night. Consequently, they may change this pattern according to food availability.

Despite the mischief this “masked bandit” can sometimes cause, the raccoon plays an essential role in the ecosystem. They help to maintain healthy populations and distributing seeds, etc. from what they catch or forage.

So if you see the following signs, you may want to consider humanely removing a raccoon from your living space.

Raccoons are large animals and can make a lot of noise when lumbering around in your attic. They have various cries, grunts, barks, and growls that they make when feeding or when threatened. But, you probably won’t hear those from the attic. You might hear noises in your yard when the raccoon is out of the attic. Young raccoons make a chittering noise that can be mistaken for birds.

Check in your yard if there is soft dirt, or check in your attic if it’s dusty, for tracks that show a flatfooted paw with five toes. The front paw print is about 2 inches wide by 2 inches long. The hind paw print is more extended, about 4-inches long. The footprint looks more like a tiny human footprint with long toes.

Raccoons leave feces or scat at the base of trees, on logs or big rocks, on woodpiles, or the roof and in the attic. Raccoon feces can contain roundworms that can be transmitted to people (see Raccoons Can Be Hazardous to Your Health). Don’t try to clean up raccoon scat without special precautions, including a respirator.

So as said previously, if you find evidence of Raccoons in your home, be sure to look into hiring an expert to deal with the problem. They can humanely remove and relocate these animals. They are non-invasive and play an essential role in Florida’s ecosystem.