If you live in central Florida, you know we have a big mosquito problem. Sure we have plenty of good going for us like the weather, but these are things that help the pests too. That’s why today we’re going to touch on Brandon Mosquitoes, what species you can expect to see in central Florida, and how to keep them out of your yard.
Brandon Mosquitoes: Overview
As anyone reading this probably knows, Florida is a paradise for Mosquitoes. Sure, we’re known for our incredible sunshine, sunsets, and beaches. But the state has plenty of environments that support these blood sucking pests’ life cycles. And the number of people moving here every year is only going to make that worse.
But to start off with, the simple answer as to why the mosquitoes in Florida are so bad is the climate. The state’s climate is perfect for these pests- the warm, humid weather provides them with the ideal environment to breed and thrive. Additionally, Florida is home to many different mosquitoes, including those that can carry diseases.
On top of that, you have the state’s natural ecology from sunny warm beaches to coastal swamps, to lowland forests that are only a few feet above sea level. There’s not really an environment in Florida that the Brandon mosquitoes don’t love. On top of that, you have plenty of human made settings as well. Dirty gutters, overwatered plants, old spare tires, and even potholes in the road are all fantastic breeding grounds for the mosquitoes’ life cycle.
Mosquito Season
Another reason why this state in particular has such a large problem with mosquitoes is the weather. Most states north of Florida have a mosquito season, you see. It usually starts and spring and ends around fall, maybe early winter. But Florida? No such luck. When I was a young man, sure, there’d be frost on the ground for part of the years, and mosquitoes would die back. But that’s no longer the case really. You’ll have one or two really cold snap days a year down here, if that. And throw the fact that most days in the spring, summer, and fall in Florida are extremely humid and you have another benefit for Brandon mosquitoes. Humidity actually makes flying easier for these pests.
And because of this, the Brandon mosquito population never really drops. They have plenty of heat, sunshine, and standing water to keep breeding all year round and making more babies than you can knock out of the sky with a swatter. Mosquitoes also do not have one place to live and breed; they use any accessible item that provides water where a female can lay as many as 100 eggs. The water sources mosquitoes need access to in order to survive and to lay eggs can be anything from an old can or bottle to the tray holding a flower pot.
Brandon Mosquitoes: Tips to keep them away from your home
And when it comes to these tough, fast spawning pests cleanliness is key. As you can tell from above, standing water is going to be your number one enemy in the fight against Brandon mosquitoes. And because of that, you have to make sure to clean up anything in your yard that can collect standing water for mosquitoes to breed in. That includes things like old tires, empty pails, and things like broken down cars or boats. Any large vehicle that can collect rainwater should have a tarp placed over it until the storm blows through.
Also, make sure to clean your gutters regularly. It turns out that wasn’t just your mom and dad busting your chops whenever they’d send you up there to clean them. Unmaintained gutters can quickly become clogged standing water holders and breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Once every few months during most of the year, with a little more frequency in the fall and winter should help.
Also, change the water in your bird bath and pet bowls once a week. You may not consider it, but these little things all can stack up and make the problem just a little worse piece by piece. So make sure to stay on top of regular lawn maintenance to not have to deal with Brandon Mosquitoes!
Brandon Mosquito Bites
Fun fact! Alcohol makes you more appealing to mosquitoes! People that have a tendency to put out more lactic acid will have a tendency to get bitten. Alcohol is typically fermented, which means it creates more lactic acid and it also will cause your metabolism to increase, which causes sweat. So the more alcohol you drink, the more attractive you become. However, if you drink too much alcohol, you probably don’t know you’re getting bitten more until the following day.
Their bitches itch for roughly three to four days due to the saliva they inject into your body as they feed. Don’t scratch those bites, though, as it will only cause further inflammation and itching. Instead, keep it clean and avoid touching it until it heals.
What to do if you have a mosquito infestation
Here in Florida, the mosquito problem isn’t really going to get better. It’s going to feel like there’s more mosquitoes in fact, which can be traced to a couple of reasons.
One, there are a lot more mosquitoes because they’re turning over generations quicker. People have been spending a lot more time outside in their neighborhoods. And so consequently, they’re exposed more to those biting mosquitoes. It’s kind of a perfect storm, if you will.
And if you can, make sure that you use some type of repellent. If you don’t have allergies, then repellents with DEET have been proven to repel mosquitoes. Also, consider landscaping with mosquitoes in mind in the future. That entails keeping your grass cut short and removing any standing water locations.
And finally, if you have a real infestation make sure to contact us at insectfree.com about our mosquito smack service and to set up a consultation to get the infestation on your property dealt with.