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Earth’s Best Pest Control Offers Pest Control in New Tampa

Do you need New Tampa Pest Control?

Earth’s Best Pest Control has proudly served the Tampa Bay and Orlando area with its cutting edge pest management solutions. We are also proud to now offer our pest control services in New Tampa, Florida.

The climate in New Tampa is typical of the Tampa area and Central Florida in general so we can provide our New Tampa pest control seamlessly to residents and business owners in the area.

Defend Your Home and Health

As the weather heats up and more and more invasive species of bug find their way into Florida, make sure to protect your holdings and your family. You may think it no issue, but your walls could be host to swarms of disease-carrying insects.

You know that we are a state that relies on tourism. And with that fact comes the ugly truth of bed bugs. We’re also a state that has unique species of bed bugs. An infestation of those can set you back thousands on new beds and sheets alone. Not to mention the other pest problems we face in this state. And if that’s not enough for you, there are plenty of other pest troubles you can find yourself with here in the Sunshine State.

Roaches are on the rise here in Florida, as is almost every species of parasite. This is thanks to the longer, warmer summers we find ourselves within the state. Don’t end up with Zika from the invasive mosquitoes. And don’t forget that our own native mosquitoes, the night hunters, can transmit malaria and worms to either you or your pet. Protect yourself from a red meat allergy you may gain from a tick bite. You’ve heard the old saying about an ounce of prevention before. This may be true, but we can also provide you the pound of cure. If you fear a developing infestation of any kind or are dealing with one currently, contact us so that we can help you avoid a tragedy. Be it a house lost to termites, or health lost to a parasite.

 New Tampa Pest Control: The Usual Suspects

I know I went into slight detail, but for your sake, I’ll go into more about what pests you’ll find in the New Tampa Florida area.

Palmetto Bugs/ The New Tampa Roach

“Palmetto Bug” is a nickname here in Florida for species of cockroach. There are a few cockroaches you may know by this name, but the most common one is the American cockroach. Adult palmetto bugs are large and winged, and their coloration is usually a dark brown color. You’ll also see markings around their eyes that resemble sunglasses if you ever see one up close. These guys fly poorly, and towards light sources. If you see any dead palmetto bugs in your home, be wary. Usually, if you find corpses, that means there are ten living roaches that you don’t see living in your walls.

Another common roach called a palmetto bug is the smoky brown cockroach. These guys are slightly smaller than the American cockroach and are a uniform mahogany color. Adults have well-developed wings that stretch to the tip of the abdomen. You can probably guess what this means, unfortunately. Yep, these guys are strong fliers, and you can find them buzzing around your house if you’re not careful about the infestation.

When it comes to prevention of palmetto bug infestations, you have to make sure to keep your attics and crawl spaces well ventilated to reduce moisture. Also, make sure to use tight-fitting lids on your trash cans to deprive these guys of a free buffet. But don’t leave any dishes in your kitchen sink, either. You’d be surprised to see how little food it takes to sustain an infestation of these roaches. Other than that, general cleanliness will help dissuade these palmetto bugs from your home. But if you do find yourself with an infestation, prevention is too late. You’ll probably have to make a call to a New Tampa pest control specialist.

The Mosquito

Can you think of any other pest you meet on a daily basis as much as the mosquito? Probably not. They’ve been in Florida for a long time, longer than we have. And they’ll probably be here long after we’re gone. The real issue now is the bloodborne diseases carried by the invasive species that make their way through our ports. The most recent you’ve heard about is probably the Aedes Aegypti. This mosquito originated in Africa but ended up here through trade coming in. You’ve probably already heard about the Zika virus it carries, but it also carries dengue and the Cikungunya viruses. And it’s not like you can just stay inside during the night to avoid them, these mosquitoes are active day hunters. You can’t outpace them, either, unless you leave the state. These mosquitoes are located all throughout Florida; from your panhandle to the tip.

That’s not the only species of mosquito in your Sunshine State that spreads Zika, though. There’s also the Aedes albopictus, but you may have heard of it from its common name; the Asian tiger mosquito. This species transmits every disease that the Aegypti mosquito transmits. The real kicker here is that it will aggressively hunt your pets as well as you, making life harder for our furry friends.

And as we know, night time isn’t safe either. During the night you can find mosquito species that lean more towards spreading malaria than the Zika virus. But speaking of our furry friends, many species of night hunting mosquitoes also carry and transmit worms from infected animals to your pets. If one of these mosquitoes bites a deer with heartworm and then bites your dog, it’ll transmit the parasite into your pet.

Mosquito Smack!

All of these factors line up to make the battle against parasites sound unwinnable. But this is why we’re a unique company in New Tampa pest control service because we offer the Earth’s Best Mosquito Smack service. We’ll send our trained technicians to you, and they’ll evaluate your property to detail potential mosquito nesting sites on your property. Once complete, our employees will treat the nesting areas with a natural solution that will kill the mosquitoes and help you avoid all of these bloodborne diseases and parasitic inflictions.


You probably know the basics about ticks. Their gross, flat bodies. The Lyme disease they carry. But as the weather heats up and summer gets longer and longer, we’re finding more ticks, more tick species, and more tick diseases. Here in Florida, you can find them all throughout the year now- so it’s important to know which species is which in case you’re bitten.

A common species you’ll find is the Brown Dog Tick. This tick feeds mostly on dogs and can carry the Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. These guys will have no issue riding in on Fido and then dropping off and crawling away to lay eggs in your home.

Another very common tick you’ll find in our beloved state is the Lone Star tick. A bite from one of these guys comes not only with the threat of Lyme Disease, but also a possible new allergy. If you’re bitten by a lone star tick, you can develop an allergy to red meat, including beef and pork. This species of tick is found from the Southeast all the way to Texas, so they’re hard to avoid.

Lookout For Lyme

And make sure to always be on the lookout for symptoms of Lyme disease after a tick bite. The usual rash of Lyme disease is an expanding bulls-eye rash at the site of the bite. You’ll find the rash is present in 70 percent to 80 percent of cases. That means you won’t find it in 20 percent to 30 percent of cases, so if someone in your family had a tick on them for more than 24 hours, or if you live in an area where there are many cases of Lyme and there may have been a tick bite, you should call your doctor if the person has a fever, chills, aches, and pains for no clear reason, along with swollen lymph nodes or swelling of one or more joints. This means that a tick infestation is one of the most dangerous that you can have, so if you suspect one- don’t delay to call a New Tampa pest control specialist to help you squash this issue.

Bed Bugs

While ticks may have the bed bug beat when it comes to looks, bed bugs are a much more common infestation. You see, bedbugs will enter any home; clean or otherwise. But they don’t just waltz in from the outside, they make their way in holding onto your clothes, suitcases, and other travel items. And if you’re a native of the sunshine state, you’ll know that Florida’s biggest industry is tourism. We have no shortage of motels, hotels, and holiday inns down here. And that’s good! Having a bustling tourist economy is certainly good for the state. Unfortunately, with tourists come bedbugs. And with bedbugs come infestations.

Bed bugs are small insects, about the size of an apple seed. You’ll see them usually brown in color and flat unless they fed. When they feed on you, they grow in size and become red-tinted and balloon-like. Bed bug nymphs are smaller and whitish-yellow (almost translucent) in color.  Nymphs are commonly mistaken for book louse nymphs. Both are light colored but the bed bug nymph has a less elongated body. It doesn’t look like it has a neck, whereas the book louse does.  Bed bug eggs are tiny (the size of a pinhead) and pearl white in color.

Bed bugs are one of few pest species that you’ll need New Tampa pest control for all year round. They don’t have a season where they fall off, or a season when they bloom. Since these are indoor pests, you can find them at any time of the year. And that’s not even to mention the new, unique species of bed bug Florida now has to contend with. One that hasn’t been seen since the 1940s and is only found in our state and the Bahamas.

Infestation Signs

You’ll find signs of bedbug infestations if things in your house go untreated. These signs you’ll see can be anything from small blood stains on the sheets and mattresses, and similar stains at other places that could be bedbug nests. Bed bugs are exceptional at hiding and may be found in popcorn ceilings, the rims of mattresses, under carpets and other small, dark places.  It is a misconception that bed bug activity is confined to beds.  Other furniture like couches and chairs may become infested as well. Like I said above, you’ll certainly need New Tampa pest control specialist to deal with an issue like bed bugs.

Traditional Days Are Over

Gone are the old-fashioned, traditional days of hazardous pest control management techniques that put pets. People and the planet at risk of being damaged in order to receive some sort of relief from our pest problem. Thanks to newer technologies and a better understanding of pests we can help our environment while trying to eliminating the pest problem, those traditional days of poisonous hazards being considered and classified as “necessary evils” and “collateral damage” are nearly over for the most part.

Earth’s Best was founded in 1994 to provide effective and cutting edge and eco-friendly natural New Tampa pest control. Earth’s Best can always provide you with the latest and most comprehensive range of services and information needed to protect your children, employees, pets and the environment.

We look forward to offering our New Tampa pest control services to our current and future clients. To schedule an appointment please call us at 1-800-634-1313.