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Do You Need A Brandon Roach Exterminator?   arrow

Do You Need A Brandon Roach Exterminator?

Don’t you just love Florida? The state of sunshine, Disney, and roaches. Yeah, you read that right. If there’s one thing that should be known about this state it’s our roach population. At times it feels like you’re outnumbered by these things. But you don’t need to fear, today I’m going to help. I’m going to help you learn to identify the roaches that may infest your home. From there, I’ll tell you how to recognize a possible infestation. After that, you’ll probably want to call a Brandon roach exterminator.

The American Cockroach

Often referred to as palmetto bug, the American cockroach is the largest of the common cockroach species, growing larger than 2 inches in length. It is reddish brown with a pale brown or yellow border. Males and females both have wings, but the males’ wings extend beyond their abdomen. Both can glide short distances.

These roaches are the most common roach species found in city sewer systems. They prefer to live outside, but they enter homes quite often to find water and food. If you have damaged weather stripping or any crack in your home, they can easily find their way in. These guys would certainly have me looking for a Brandon roach exterminator.

Smokey Brown Cockroach

These little creepy things are closely related to the American cockroach. They’re slightly smaller, but not enough to make them less horrible looking. They’re shiny in appearance and are usually a uniform black color. They’re stronger fliers than the American cockroach so look out if you see one zipping around.

These guys love places where moisture problems may exist. Leaky AC units, faulty pipes, and drippy sinks are favorites of these guys since they dehydrate very quickly. While smoky brown cockroaches prefer to eat decaying plant matter, they will consume any food source available to them including animal feces, dead bodies and even their own young.

Asian Cockroach

Living in the Brandon area, these guys are some of the most prolific home invaders I’ve ever had the displeasure of being around. They’re nearly identical to German cockroaches but have slightly longer wings. They spread to Florida through our ports from Asia, and can now be found across the entire southeast. These guys are brown in color with two dark bands running lengthwise behind their head.

They are most active at dusk and fly long distances toward sources of light. You may see an Asian cockroach attracted to your television screen or perched near lamps and other sources of illumination. However, infestations are rare occurrences.  You may see one or two, but these guys are the least likely to make you need a Brandon roach exterminator.

How To Recognize a Roach Infestation

There are several ways you’ll be able to tell if the roaches have made your home a hot spot. Number one is the activity during the day. These guys are nocturnal, so if you see them around in the daytime it’s likely that you have a major infestation on your hand.

Dead roaches are another huge giveaway. If you find a dead roach, it’s likely that his many friends are nearby and alive. But a dead roach isn’t the only obvious sign – even a shed skin of a living German cockroach can indicate an infestation!

So what do you do?

Contact a Brandon Roach Exterminator

Cleaning your house is step number one, but these guys can go pretty long periods without food. Make sure to contact a Brandon roach exterminator. Preferably one that uses natural methods, since chemical pesticides have recently had their safety called into question.

Brandon roach pest control

Just say no to roaches