During the recent weeks, it has been raining nonstop in the Tampa Bay Area. This rain has caused flooding in many of our communities. These flood conditions are causing bugs to look for higher, drier ground. Consequently, it has caused an increase of pests inside our homes and businesses.
We have seen an increase of ants, roaches, and spiders throughout Pinellas County. Homes in Clearwater, St Petersburg, and adjoining counties have reported pests inside for the first time ever. Once these bugs enter our homes and businesses, they will not leave on their own. Treatment from a licensed pest control company or from doing it yourself products should be employed in order to rid the structure of these unwanted pests.
Tampa itself is not without pests as a result of the rains and flooding. While the reports for Drywood Termites and Bed Bugs have decreased in Hillsborough County these past few weeks, ants seem to be the biggest issue at this time. Just like in Pinellas County, it is unlikely that these pests will go away on its own. Once these bugs take up residence in our structures, treatment of either traditional or natural pest control is needed to eradicate these invaders.
Another concern from the flooding throughout the Tampa Bay Area is the potential of a Subterranean Termite Infestation. Be aware that Subterranean Termites love wet conditions, and that’s just what the rain has brought. This added rain might just be what attracts these unwanted critters to your home or business. These pests can go undetected until they cause damage to your building. Have your structure inspected by a licensed pest control company in order to know if these pests have entered your structure.
At this time, you may not have an insect invader bothering you; this does not mean you are out of the woods just yet. There is a possibility for pests to enter your home or business once the water recedes. This occurs as the pests look for a safer place to nest and for their next meal. Begin treatment as soon as these pests are first noticed. The sooner a treatment regimen occurs the faster your structure will be free of these unwanted critters.