It’s that time of year again folks. Yep, unfortunately, we’re diving headlong into the rainy season. With the first hurricane of the year already crossing over Mexico and heading our way, I’m sure we’re all thinking the same thing. This year? The mosquitoes are going to be bad. So today, we’ll talk about the central Florida mosquito service, our mosquito smack program, and some general mosquito tips.
If you have an issue with mosquitoes on the property of your home or business, feel free to contact us online or at 1-800-634-1313 for a consultation.
Central Florida Mosquito Service: Species you should know
- What’s unique to the mosquito landscape of Florida is the sheer amount of species we have. Tourism and shipping are massive industries in Florida. Obviously, this leads to the introduction of many foreign species of pests. And because of Florida’s hot tropical climate, they thrive once they get here.
- Aedes Aegypti. Also known as the yellow fever mosquito, this pest is a vector of dengue, chikungunya, and Zika virus. Their lava is found in water holding objects found around the home and yard. This includes things like old tires, toys, bottles, cans, and cars. You can recognize them by their size and striped legs.
- Aedes Albopictus. Also known as the Asian tiger mosquito, their larvae are found in many of the space places as the species above. They’re vectors for all the same diseases as the Aegypti species and are found throughout the entirety of Florida.
- Culex Quinquefasciatus. The southern house mosquito is one of the most common species and is found throughout the entire state. They’re strong fliers and love aquatic habitats with high amounts of organic material. These pests are vectors of dog heartworm, encephalitis, and West Nile virus.
- Psorophora cilata. The Gallinipper isn’t a major vector of many diseases. They’re found in pools, ditches, furrows of citrus groves, and pasture areas. But, the sheer size, pain, and itchiness of their bite make them an alarming species to deal with.
Both annoying and dangerous thanks to the diseases they carry, this pest is nothing to underestimate. And thanks to the makeup of our state, its weather, and its landscape, an infestation is as easy to come across as walking by a ditch after a light shower. This is one of the most numerous and serious pests in Florida.
Mosquito Control: Basic Tips
Now, whether you’re a homeowner or a business owner there’s always a very clear-cut enemy number one. Mosquitoes need standing water to breed and can raise a family in as little as a thimbleful of water. I mean, if you’ve been to any lake or natural water source around the state you’ve probably seen the swarms to back up what I’m saying. The real surprise is like I said above, the tiny amount that a mosquito needs to breed. Anything that holds even a tiny bit of water is potentially a breeding ground for more larvae to become adults on your property!
That’s why you should go around and empty any sources of standing water you find around. This can be things like old cars, tires, buckets, bottles, cans, or really any man-made container that is watertight. Sometimes you can’t get rid of the water, though. If you have a small pond or similar water feature on your property, consider lightweight treatments of these bodies. Things like mosquito larvicide or mosquito dunks are possibilities you may want to look into. One briquette of mosquito dunk releases a bacteria that kills their larvae but doesn’t harm fish and wildlife.
Also, make sure your outdoor faucets aren’t dripping. Few things will have you looking for some Central Florida mosquito service like a leaky water hose and the puddle that forms underneath.
Get rid of junk! Grow some flowers?
Like I said before, even in out sheds and places you may not expect, you’ll find things that store standing water. Old canoes, pet watering dishes, and broken down cars are some of the worst offenders.
Consider planting some mosquito repelling plants as well! Mind you, this is more of a spot treatment that won’t have a major effect, but every drop in the bucket contributes. Stuff like fast growing and drought-resistant plants like horsemint may be a good place to start. Marigolds and catnip as well, but be careful when planting catnip. You may just be attracting a different kind of pest!
Boats are another big area of concern in Florida. Everywhere you look someone has a boat parked under a tree of various shapes and sizes. Unfortunately, these boats
Mosquito Myths
Now, let’s tackle some of the popular myths you’ll hear about this pest. For one, citronella candles are literally no more effective than regular beeswax candles at keeping mosquitoes away. In fact, candle smoke in general has a limited effect, just because it creates so little smoke. Also, outdoor foggers and misting systems may temporarily reduce mosquito numbers, but the second you stop spraying and misting their numbers will shoot back up.
Bug zappers are a bad idea as well. Bug zappers kill thousands more beneficial insects than they do pests, as you’ll mostly be zapping moths and bugs that prey on mosquitoes who are attracted to light as opposed to the parasites who are attracted to you.
And finally, the ultrasonic devices. These pop up every few months and get a ton of hype before people buy them, realize they don’t work, and chuck them. They have no repellent value at all according to some studies, so it’s just junk that emits sounds you can’t hear for no reason!
Central Florida Mosquito Service: Our Mosquito SMACK! Program
With earth’s best Mosquito smack service, our technicians will evaluate your property for potential nesting and breeding sights. Once complete, our employees will treat the nesting areas with a natural solution that will kill the mosquitoes and their larva. And due to the lack of chemical poisons in this solution, your pets, the environment, and your guests or customers will appreciate it as well!