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Brandon Florida Ticks Welcome Spring   arrow

Well, it’s springtime again in Brandon. And you know what that means. The sun is going to be shining, the tourists will go home for a few months, and the flowers in our gardens are going to bloom once again. Unfortunately, we won’t be the only ones happily seeing off the warm weather. No, the bugs that plague our fair state are going to be enjoying this nice little bump up in temperature just as much as we are. And one of the worst of these little invaders is the tic. That’s right, today we’re going to be discussing this little bloodsucker and what you can do to avoid the not so friendly Brandon Florida tics

Springtime Ticks: Cover Up!

I’m sure almost everyone who’s ever lived down south is aware of this, but ticks are small, parasitic organisms that call wooded areas and fields their homes. They need our blood to survive and tend to carry quite a few serious diseases, which can transmit to you when they bite. This disease can include :

  • Lyme Disease
  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
  • Tularemia
  • Babesiosis (a malaria-like disease)
  • ehrlichiosis
  • anaplasmosis
  • tick-borne relapsing fever

Tick infestations can occur when just one tick is brought into the home. If they hitchhike inside from either you or your pet, a tick infestation may occur. They can ley their eggs in different parts of your home. The Brandon Florida tick typically lay their eggs in a few basic spots, however. This includes near baseboards, window, and door surrounds, furniture, edges of rugs, and curtains.

This is why if you ever go near a thick brush or into the woods you should cover up. Long sleeves and pants tucked into shoes are your best bet, that way you can find them and get rid of any Brandon Florida ticks crawling on you before they give you a bite.

Brandon Florida Ticks: What Can You Do

Well, as for the basics, any tick you see in the home can be vacuumed up. Just make sure the bag is tightly sealed and immediately discarded. You should also check your clothing and your body after vacuuming to ensure that no ticks are on you.

But once an infestation is established there’s very little a layman can actually do, which is why you should immediately contact a professional. And try to go with one who uses natural pest control methods, as chemical pesticides have long had their safety called into question when used around a home with a family and pets living inside of it. Luckily Earth’s Best provides eco friendly pest control in Brandon, Fl. Contact us today.