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German Cockroach Exterminator   arrow

If you’re dealing with a German cockroach infestation and need help from a German cockroach exterminator, do not hesitate. This is one of the most prolific and fast breeding roaches that exist and infest human habitation. Visit our website at today and either call the listed number or fill out the pop up form on the home page. Let Earth’s Best pest control show you why we’ve been servicing Central Florida for thirty years! 

Down in the South we have more cockroaches than you can shake a stick at. But there’s one species that stands head and shoulders above the rest. And that goes double for us in the Sunshine State. So today, let’s get into the German cockroach. We’ll also discuss some signs that made point to you needing help from a German Cockroach Exterminator.

German Cockroach Exterminator: What are German Cockroaches?

The German cockroach is the single most common species found worldwide. This pest can be found on every continent except for Antarctica. German cockroaches are so prolific in human dwellings and businesses that it’s believed that very few, if any, of them still subsist in the wild. These pests have a preference for warm and human places. They’re usually found in residential and commercial kitchens, with bathrooms being a runner-up for most common dwelling of this pest. But that doesn’t mean these are the only places that German cockroaches will infest. They can infest any area where people eat and drink. This can include living rooms, bedrooms, dens, offices, or any place with a suitable food and water source.

Adult German cockroaches look unique among their genus and are easy to recognize. You can spot them thanks to their light brown/yellowish coloration. They also have two dark, parallel stripes that are located on their backs. The females tend to be darker in color than males. And the nymphs, immature forms, are dark brown in color with the same dark stripe. This species may have wings, but they rarely fly- preferring to run away.

German cockroaches are uniquely challenging to deal with, thanks to several factors. In the human habitats they live in, there is almost a complete lack of natural predators; common house spiders are too small and not strong enough to take down most cockroaches. They also are prolific when it comes to reproduction, with females being able to have hundreds of offspring after only a few weeks of maturing. If you spot even one of these in your home, its a potential infestation and a job for the German Cockroach Exterminator.

Are there other types of cockroaches in Florida to worry about?

Florida is home to many species of cockroach. In fact, there’s dozens that call this state home- some from here, others invasive.

And the reason for that is Florida’s climate. Florida is a sunny, subtropical state with plenty of forests, swamps, and shrubby beaches for these pests to thrive in. And not only that, but Florida is booming with population growth. And where there are people, there are pests. It is a simple fact of life that when half the state is getting mowed down for new apartments, you’ll likely need help from a German cockroach exterminator to deal with the displaced insects.

Let’s touch on some species you may run into as a Florida homeowner.

American Cockroach

American cockroaches are one of the most shocking pests you can have in your Florida home. These are the largest species of roach found in the continental United States. Individuals of this species usually range from an inch and a half to two and a half inches long. However, it’s not at all uncommon for adults to reach three inches in length. And on top of that, these roaches can fly thanks to their fully developed wings as adults.

It’s not an uncommon Florida in story at all. Cooking at night with the windows open in Florida is certainly not recommended. Because in that moment, you’re only one curious roach away from having a massive bug helicoptering over your head with wings so large you can hear them flap!

These pests love firewood and mulchy garden beds. If you have either of those, make sure to store them neatly away from the house, or consider putting a barrier between your garden and your home. This will make the inside of your house much less inviting to these dogged pests.

German Cockroach Exterminator: How do I keep roaches out of my Florida home?

When it comes to keeping roaches out of your home, you’re in for a bit of a doozy as a homeowner in the Sunshine State. In Tampa, it’s rumored that one in every three houses is dealing with a cockroach infestation at any one time. But the best step you can take is simple. Keep a clean and tidy home.

For one, food and garbage will attract roaches into your house faster than anything else. If you own a home in Florida, you MUST clean up food crumbs and liquid spills as soon as you can. Roaches are large insects but need little to no food to survive for weeks. Even hidden crumbs in a carpet are enough food to fuel a large infestation. Water is more important to them, so be sure to seal up any leaky pipes or wet areas in your home. Also, ensure that the trash cans in your home have locking lids. Cellulose is the woody material found in paper and cardboard, so even innocuous things like a trashcan full of paper can be a buffet to these determined pests. Since they eat cellulose, cardboard and paper products are not good for storing food in Florida. Instead, get reusable food-grade materials that are hard, like plastic or metals.

Reducing clutter will help massively as well. Roaches are not fans of wide open, clean areas. So if you give them enough clutter, they will move in, make themselves comfortable, and begin breeding. Cleanliness isn’t just next to godliness in Florida, it’s also next to buglessness!