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Brandon Roach Species   arrow

With this week of cold weather, you’ve probably seen a downturn in the amount of blood sucking parasites outside. That’s good! But you may have also started seeing signs of some new, unwanted roomates. The cold blooded roaches hate it when it’s cold outside, and suddenly tend to take it on themselves to move into your home without permission. That’s why today we’re going to discuss brandon roach species, how to identify them, and whether or not you’ll need to hire a pro. Because knowing is half the battle, and the quicker the bug and infestation is identified, the quicker you can start dealing with it.

The American Cockroach

This is one of the most common bugs you’ll find in your Florida homes. This Brandon roach species is what is most commonly known as the palmetto bug. It’s a big, reddish-brown roach with black markings and two yellow circles just behind the head. And when I say these things get big, I mean it. They can reach up to three inches in length! They also have two long, straight antennae and six legs that are covered with little spines.

The thing that most people remember when they encounter these horrors is their wing. They have two large wings that cover their entire backs and are slightly longer than their body. This allows them to fly, though not well. That’s why when these little things take flight they tend to go directly at you. They pretty much can’t control themselves when they’re up in the air and that’s why they tend to collide with people so much.

These roaches also just plain stink.Cockroaches emit an odor caused by a chemical called an aggregation pheromone. This chemical causes these creatures to stick together in groups. This odor is often described as “musty.” The larger the cockroach population, the more noticeable the odor.

The German Cockroach

This is another very common roach you’ll find in Florida. They’re pretty easy to identify as well. They have two horizontal stripes on their back behind their head, and are tan to light brown in color. They get big, but not quite as big as the American cockroach. Younger German cockroaches are almost black in color – also with black stripes. These roaches have long almost straight antennae and six legs with spines. Though they have wings, they don’t often fly.

These roaches are actually more polite than others, and you’re likely to find them living outside your home. But, they do move in when it’s cold. And they can breach your home look for food and water.

What To Do About These Brandon Roach Species

If you see one of these species in your home, it’s already a red flag. A lot of times, for every one roach you see, many more you can’t. That’s why you should make a call to your local Brandon roach control specialist, since there isn’t much one layman can do about a roach infestation. And try to contact someone who uses green pest control methods, since chemical pesticides have had their safety called into question.