Termite Wings
One morning you wake up to find what appear to be wings all over your home. You wonder what has caused this. You do not see any bugs, but you wonder, could they have flown in and then left without you seeing the insects? Either way, you now have termite wings and need to do something about it.
Termite wings can be the first sign that there is an underlying termite infestation in your home. Rarely do termites fly from outside to enter your home. Generally, they are already inside and are flying in order to spread their colony throughout your biggest investment, your home. Not only have they been munching on the wood of your home, they now are attempting to find a new area to eat as well.
When a termite swarms that is an indication of an established colony. It takes approximately three to five years before a colony is mature enough to create the kings and queens, who swarm. Once they leave the nest, they mate in flight. Then, the queen attempts to create a new colony somewhere else inside your house.
So, what do you do now that you have these termite wings? Your first step is to call a termite professional. Having a termite expert is important in the treatment of these wood-destroying bugs. More than one type of termite exists. It is important to have a professional properly identify the type of termite. This identification helps allows the professional to create a plan of action to gain control of these termites before they do more damage.
The good news, we can help with your termite infestation. We have been providing Natural and Effective termite service throughout Central Florida since 1994. Our company, Earth’s Best Natural Pest Management, has been servicing Tampa Bay and surrounding areas for 25 years. The many years we have been in business makes us local experts on termites, roaches, silverfish, rats, and more. Give us a call so one of our termite experts can help you with the termite infestation. We can be reached at 1-800-634-1313. If you rather contact us via the web, our website is www.insectfree.com