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A spider infestation is probably one of the milder you can have. But just because they’re not actively sucking your blood like some of the parasites doesn’t mean you have to tolerate them. You’ll naturally have one or two in your house, it’s Florida that’s unavoidable. But if you have an infestation, you may need to give the Brandon Spider Exterminator a call.

Brandon Spider Exterminator: Identifying the Spiders

In deciding whether or not you need to give the Brandon spider exterminator a call, determining what kind of infestation you have is key. At the end of the day, you don’t need a pro if you just have some house spiders in your garage.

To begin with, you’ve probably seen the Spiny Orb Weaver at least once before. They’re small, wider than they are long, and spikey. They’re about a quarter of an inch long and have a white shell with red and black markings. You’re more likely to have an infestation of these between October and January.

A pretty serious infestation would be a Wolf Spider infestation though. These are some of the largest spiders you’ll see in Florida. They can get big enough around to rival a grapefruit in size. These spiders are also active hunters, so that means they actually chase their prey down. They can bite people and leave a mildly painful bite.

Brown Recluse and Black Widow

These are the two spiders that if you see multiple in your house should cause alarm. Immediately make a call if you see Brown Recluse and Black Widows in your home. The brown recluse has a violin-shaped mark on its head, and they’re not native to Florida. They’re most commonly found in dark places.

Black Widows are easily identifiable. They’re large in size and have black bodies and red hourglass-shaped spots under their abdomens.

Brandon Spider Exterminator: What To Do

Other than keeping your house clean, there isn’t much you can do to stop spiders from moving in. In this state, you’ll always have bugs. And where there are bugs there are spiders. But if it gets out of control, make sure to contact a professional Brandon Spider Exterminator.