Down here in the sunshine and paradise-like weather of Florida, things aren’t perfect. Sure, they’re almost perfect thanks to the weather and environment, but we’re not the only ones that feel that way! That’s why today, we’re going to talk about the many kinds of ants across this state, and touch on whether or not you need help from a Brandon Natural ant exterminator.
Brandon Natural Ant Exterminator: Why are there so many ants in Florida?
Florida is a subtropical state with an environment that we love. I mean, how couldn’t we? We’re a tropical species of ape that is naturally drawn to tropical and subtropical environments. But it wasn’t just our genus that was drawn to warm, sandy lowlands. Insects thrive in these places as well.
Coastal plains, forested lowlands, and swamps that are larger than anywhere in the country are amazing havens for bug species. Throw in our shipping industry and you can easily see how we have ants and bugs from all over the world right in our back yard. And what’s more? The people problem! When you have twenty two million people in one state, you end up with plenty of trash, human refuse, and shelter for pest insects. It only makes sense, right? They thrive where we thrive. And that’s why most homes in Florida will have to deal with an ant infestation at least once in it’s lifetime.
And in the arena of pest control, knowledge is power and an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. So let’s go through four of the most common species of ant you can expect in your home at some point in the future, and finish with tips about how to deal with them.
Florida Carpenter Ants
Florida Carpenter ants are large ants, up to about half an inch in length. They have orange and black bodies, which make them striking in appearance and easy to identify. Florida carpenter ants are usually an outdoor insect, preferring to nest in decayed wood, trees, and shrubs. However, it’s not uncommon for them to find their way indoors. And once inside, they’ll nest in attics, ceilings, floors, support beams in your walls, and other secluded areas. They forage for food at night and eat sweets, insects, honeydew, and fruits. This ant species is known to bite when threatened.
Brandon Natural Ant Exterminator: Fire Ant
Now, this one is going to get special attention and you can probably guess why. Fire ants are the heavyweight kings of ant pests in the southeastern U.S. Fire ants, unshockingly, are omnivorous. This means that they’ll eat anything they come across. They’re known to eat meats, greasy material, sweet material, insects, earthworms, ticks, spiders, plants, etc, etc. The list really does go on. Young animals and birds are also included in that. Generally, the ants will consume carrion, but sometimes they’ll actually kill and consume prey many times larger than themselves.
These ants are masters of construction as well. They typically nest in the ground in sunny, open spots in the yard or wall voids in the home. Mounds can appear nearly a foot tall and even larger in diameter. Large colonies of fire ants can have up to two hundred and fifty thousand workers. These ants are aggressive and active, and will sting any animal they come across repeatedly.
Though not a native species in North America, the red imported fire ant has become a common nuisance throughout the southern United States, ranging from Florida to California and as far north as Oklahoma and Virginia. The red imported fire ant (Solenopsisinvicta) was accidentally brought into the United States in the 1930s via a shipment of cargo. Initially transplanted into Alabama, they have spread and thrived throughout the southern states with the warm climate and lack of predators.
Total time from egg to adult averages 30 days; workers may live up to 180 days; queens live two to six years.
Ghost Ants
And finally on our list of Brandon natural ant exterminator targets is the ghost ant. A personal rival of mine due to the many times I’ve dealt with infestations.
Ghost ants are highly adaptable in their nesting habits, which seem to be similar to those of pharaoh ants. Colonies of ghost ants are moderate to large in size and can contain thousands of workers and numerous functional queens distributed across multiple nesting sites. Ghost ants are very fond of honeydew. They also feed on dead and living insects. Inside, ghost ants show a preference for sweet foods and are most commonly found in kitchens
Outside, ghost ants make their nest in the ground. They prefer cavities and crevices in dead tree branches, but will also nest under stones, inside logs, and within piles of leaves and other debris. Ghost ants will readily enter structures by trailing from nests along sidewalks, patios, and foundation walls. Inside, ghost ants typically nest in wall voids, behind baseboards, between cabinets, and inside the soil of potted plants. Workers often trail under carpet edges and along electrical wires in wall voids where they are hidden from view. Because of their high moisture needs, ghost ants can also be found trailing to water sources such as sinks, shower stalls, tubs, potted plants, etc.
Brandon Natural Ant Exterminator: Control Tips
All in all, ant infestations are difficult to deal with. Especially if you have an infestation of ghost ants who create multiple colonies around the home, or fire ants that pose legitimate bodily threats to you and your family. In all honesty, clean up the environs and then leave the hard work to the pros, because a layman can do anything from missing a nest or two, to creating poison resistant ants with improper use of chemical controls.
So, if you need a Brandon Natural Ant Exterminator, feel free to call Earth’s Best Natural Pest Management Corp at either 727-847-0722 or 1-800-634-1313. You may also reach them via email at Additionally, you may want to visit their website at to learn more.