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East Lake Termite Types   arrow

East Lake Termite Types

Way down south here in Florida we have a termite problem. You may not believe it since we’re known as the state of sun and paradise, but it’s true. Especially here around the Tampa area; East Lake, Dunedin, Oldsmar, Palm Harbor, and the like. It’s just so constantly hot and so constantly moist. Those conditions make perfect breeding grounds for these things. So today, I’m going to arm you with a bit of knowledge to bite back against these home parasites. Consequently, I will list off the types of east lake termite you’re likely to find.

Subterranean Termite

The most aggressive East Lake termite you’ll find is the Formosan Subterranean Termite. These are the most aggressive and destructive wood destroying termites in the United States. This species can create colonies containing millions of termites. And each one of them feeds on lumber, utility poles. Additionally, they will feed on any other wooden structure they can find. These things cause massive substantial economic loss every year. They’re established well here in the bay area and other southern states.

The Eastern Subterranean Termite is the most common species here in Florida. They’re found up and down the entire east coast, too. This species is likely to infest building timber where it eats up internal sections of wood. Hence, causing thousands of dollars to homes and millions to your businesses.

Then, you’ll have the east lake termite known as the Asian Subterranean Termite. These are another massively damaging species of pest. This species, while similar to the Formosan subterranean termite in its construction of mud carton nests, is limited to more tropical localities. This termite is largely found in southern areas of Florida. Asian subterranean termites pose a threat to all wooden structures.

Dampwood Termites

Then we have our homegrown Florida dampwood termite. These guys are also often found in tropical areas and urban settings on the Florida coasts and off the Keys.  Structural infestations of dampwood termites are associated with sources of free water. Including, wood-to-soil contact, wood exposed to roof leaks, or wooden siding/decoration exposed to rainfall or sprinklers.

Another east lake termite you may find crawling around your house is the West Indian drywood termite.  Colonies of all drywood termite species infest solid hardwoods and softwoods. Including, all common building lumber and articles of furniture such as headboards and cabinets. The West Indian drywood termite is prone to attack smaller furniture items. These items include table legs and picture frames, making this pest easy to transport from one place to another. This species is one of the most widespread in the tropics and is common to Florida as well as some other coastal areas of Southeast states.

In this articleI go into the warning signs and how you’ll be able to tell if you have the little invaders at your door. But, you still need to be wary of a possible infestation even if you don’t see these red herrings. If you do suspect you have a termite infestation, make sure to contact a pro to get your east lake termites handled. This goes for anywhere in the bay area too.