Earwig Description
Earwigs are about 12 to 15 mm in length. The adult is reddish-brown, with wing covers and legs dull yellow-brown.
Earwig Habitat
The earwig feeds on other insects, plants, ripe fruit, and garbage. It is nocturnal, hiding during the day and roaming at night to find food and water. Around structures, they will hide in the shrubbery, along fences, in woodpiles, at the base of trees, and behind loose boards near and on buildings. Generally, this is considered an outside insect because of where it prefers to nest. On occasion, it may be brought indoors on potted plants. They are attracted to light but rarely fly. Once crushed, they emit a foul-smelling substance
Earwig Life Cycle
The female lays 20 – 60 white eggs, each about 1.5 mm in length, in the ground during the fall. The female tends to the young in their early stages. Young earwigs resemble adults, but they are lighter in color and lack wings and only delicate. Some females may lay eggs again in the spring. Most males die in the early spring, while the females die near mid-summer.
To Reduce The Presence of Earwigs
a) Harborage removal – Remove organic debris, lumber, bricks, etc.
b) Cut vegetation 18-24” off of the structure and use gravel underlined with landscape fabric.
c) Trim trees and plants to reduce moisture.
d) Repair faulty gutter downspouts and sprinkler heads.
e) Caulk crevices.
f) Ventilate crawlspace – to reduce moisture
g) Use yellow bug light. – to prevent the light from attracting them to the structure
For help with earwigs or other insects visit www.insectfree.com