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Fire Ant Exterminator   arrow

Fire ants are a real problem in the Southern united states. From the East coast to California, these ants have made themselves a big pest issue. So today, let’s touch on the Florida fire ants. We’ll talk about what to look out for, whether or not they’re dangerous, and signs that you may need help today from the Fire ant exterminator!

Fire Ant Exterminator: What are Red Imported Fire Ants?

You know the old saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure? Well, that goes double for any matters of pest control. And in pest control, knowledge of what to look out for and what pests you may b e dealing with are vital. So let’s get to know the humble Florida fire ant.

The bodies of mature fire ants are divided into three sections. This includes the head, the thorax, and the abdomen, with three pairs of legs and two antennae. Fire ants that are invasive to the United States, the ones we’re talking about, have a copper brown head and a dark abdomen. The workers are black or reddish in color, and they’re all less than an inch long. However, one nest will have ants of many different sizes most of the time.

Fire ant species aren’t all invasive. Some of the species of ants down south are fire ants. However, they tend to live wild and don’t bother people much. The red imported fire ant was believed to have been introduced accidentally in shipping crates. In the U.S., RIFA was first introduced from Brazil into either Mobile, Alabama, or Pensacola, Florida, between 1933 and 1945. However, the red imported fire ant infests Puerto Rico and all or part of many southern and western states from Maryland to southern California.

fire ant stings

Fire ants are one of the most aggressive species of pest you can find in Florida. In fact, few things will have you running to get a fire ant exterminator, like waking up to a child covered in them! Fire ant bites typically occur when someone accidentally steps on a mound or nest of fire ants. However, these ants will swarm anything that disturbs them. A single ant bite may even attract more based on the chemicals in the alkaline venom these ants carry.

When a fire ant bites, it will attach its mandibles into your flesh. After, it will curve its back and stab repeatedly with its stinger, injecting venom with each stab. And these ants will stab a single target many times, in a circular pattern. Fire ants will continue to bite and sting until killed, with no concern for their own safety.

The symptoms of fire ants can vary depending on potential allergies or reactions to the ant venom, but they typically go like this. At first you’ll feel the stinging or burning sensation, which is where the ants get their names from. About an hour after that, itchy bumps and welts will develop. These bumps are usually circular or semicircular and will last for several hours. ‘Then blisters will form where the bumps were located, and they tend to be extremely itchy and filled with a clear, liquid pus. They clear up after about seven to ten days.

However, anaphylaxis is a rare reaction that can occur. Symptoms include dizziness, a drop in blood pressure, loss of consciousness, and cardiac arrest. Small children and people with allergies to the ant venom are most at risk.

Fire Ant Exterminator: What are some signs of ant infestations?

First and foremost, obviously, is the presence of ants. But you need to put a close eye on them. That way, you can see if they’re following a set path or wandering aimlessly. Ants leave behind pheromonal trails, which signals to the colony that they know where food is. So if you see ants marching in an organized line through your home, that’s a good sign of an infestation threat.

Sawdust trails can be another telltale sign. Fire ants damage wood similarly to termites, but they don’t consume the wood and will sometimes leave behind a trail of sawdust.

Indoors or outdoors, keep a keen eye out for these sawdust trails, especially near wooden beams, flooring, or furniture. Carpenter ants are particularly drawn to damp or decaying wood, making areas prone to moisture, such as basements, attics, and crawl spaces, other prime targets for infestation.

And if it’s a really bad infestation ,it can reach the point where there’s audible rustling sounds in your wall voids. As ants forage for food, expand their colonies, or seek new nesting sites, they may produce rustling sounds as they move through these confined spaces.

To hear these rustling noises, take a moment to listen closely to your walls, floors, or any area where you suspect ants reside. Focus on quiet moments, such as late at night or early in the morning, when ambient noise levels are minimal.

Fire Ant Exterminator: How do I keep ants from entering my Florida home?

When it comes to ant prevention, keeping a clean and tidy house goes a very long way. And the number one thing that will attract ants indoors is the presence of food waste. Food scraps and leftovers can feed an entire colony for weeks if you’re not careful. So make sure all of your food is stored in food-safe, sealed containers.

Trash cans are another hot spot for Florida pest issues. If you’re a Florida homeowner, few things are more worth the investment that a trashcan with a tightly locking lid. And even when you get one, be sure to empty it regularly to prevent the build up of trash and odors that may attract ants into your home. And keep your sink empty and dishes washed and put away. These are tiny insects, and even microscopic specs of food and water can sustain them for periods of time.

Seal gaps around windows, doors, and other entry points with weather-stripping or caulk to prevent ants from gaining access to your home. And with these tools, you’ll greatly reduce the chance that you’ll need help from the Florida fire ant exterminator!