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Trinity Florida Pest Control   arrow

If you’re dealing with, or suspect you’re dealing with, a pest problem in your home or on your property, contact us immediately. We can be reached either through our website at or our phone number  1-800-634-1313. Give us a chance to show you why Earth’s Best has been trusted with the area’s pest control needs for thirty years. 

Small town Florida has some of my favorite places in the world. Trinity is no exception. But it’s population of ten thousand is set to boom out of control like everywhere else in the state. So that’s why today we’re going to talk about Trinity Florida pest control, what type of pests you can expect in the area and ways to reduce the chance of needing to call an exterminator out to your home or business.

Trinity Florida Pest Control: Are the pests problems bad in Trinity?

Like most of Florida, unfortunately, Trinity has quite a bit of a pest problem. And that’s just the case for anywhere in the state right now. So, let’s get into some of the reasons why this is the case.

To start with, Florida has the perfect ecosystem to have a massive population of pest insects. Beaches slowly and very slightly incline into shrubby, sandy plains that lead into swamps and finally into low-lying forests. All of these locations are the favorites of tropical insects. Cockroaches, ants, mosquitoes, and biting flies are all known to inhabit these areas. And that’s just the natural pests you can expect in the state.

Florida is two sides of the same coin. On one is the woods, and on the other is massive and rapidly expanding development, tourism, and shipping. That leads to an influx of invasive pests from all over the world. Bed bugs, mosquitos, and wild foreign bugs that reduce orange groves to a single stump. If you can dream it up, there’s a good chance Florida has it.

Are cockroaches bad in Trinity Florida?

I’m going to be honest on this topic. Yes. There really isn’t a place in Florida you can go to that this won’t be an issue. And there are a few reasons for that. For one, Florida has basically every species of cockroach you can find on this planet. Especially the invasive ones, because those are what tend to come over with car travel or freight shipping. So we’ll touch on two of the most common types of roach that will send you running for some Trinity Florida pest control.

American Cockroach

Let’s start with the largest cockroach in the continental United States. Often mislabeled as the famous palmetto bug, the American cockroach can reach up to three inches, and in rare cases larger, as adults. This makes them easily recognizable, along with their mahogany coloration and a yellow band that forms a half circle behind their heads.

These are mostly an outdoor insect, but they won’t hesitate to come inside through an open window or tattered door sweep. And once inside, they’ll congregate around water sources like leaky pipes or in bathrooms where water is left on the floor.

Possibly, the worst part about this pest is its flight capability, which is, honestly, very iffy. These bugs can fly, but once they’re airborne, they really have little say in where they end up outside of the initial direction.  And it only takes one three inch American cockroach to the side of the face for you to realize how vital Trinity Florida pest control can be.

German Cockroaches

Next up is the most common home infesting roach on the planet. All around the globe, you can find homes infested with German cockroaches. And you can thank their success to their breeding ability. One female German cockroach can mate once in her life and have up to three hundred thousand offspring from the stored semen from the male. So, in simple terms, one or two of these cockroaches can become hundreds of thousands very, very quickly.

You can identify these roaches by their coloration. They tend to be light brown to tan, with two parallel stripes that run down the back of their head but stop before the wing sheaths. They have wide, flat bodies and six legs and are a medium sized cockroach, usually under or up to an inch in size. Thankfully, unlike American cockroaches, they cannot fly. However, if you even notice one of these pests in your home, it may be time to contact some Trinity Florida pest control.

Trinity Florida pest control: Basic tips to keep pests out of your Florida home

When it comes to pest control, exclusion, and prevention are the most powerful tools a layman has. If you keep the bugs from getting established, you’ll never have to deal with an infestation. Mind you, it’s not really possible to keep every single bug out, but being proactive can help a ton in the long run.

For one, make sure to keep up on cleanliness. Termites, bed bugs, and mosquitoes don’t care how clean your house is. However, cockroaches, ants, and other filth pests like flies do. Keep food in plastic, resealable containers that can be reused instead of easily chewed cardboard. Clean up spills as soon as they’re made, especially anything with sugar or soda in it. But make sure to get a trash can with a properly locking lid. Exposed garbage is second only to exposed dog food when it comes to attracting pests.

And touching on exclusion again, you have to stay on top of your home to keep bugs out of it. Rubber door sweepers can degrade over time, leaving bugs an easy way in through the front door. Make sure also to repair any damaged window screens that could allow biting flies, filth flies, or mosquitoes through.

Finally, if you have mosquito problems on your property, make sure to check for standing water sources. That can be anything from old tires, watering cans, or anything left out that can collect half an inch or more of water. Mosquitoes breed on slow moving or still water surfaces, so stay on top of that, and you’ll reduce your problems.

Just remember, when you see a pest problem, contact a professional. These aren’t issues that should be left to the inexperienced, and the longer you wait, the worse it gets.