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In the Orlando area, Florida is experiencing a boom. The local economy, the population, everything is exploding right now. And when population and business rise, so does human traffic. And human traffic will always lead to pest issues. So today, let’s knuckle down and discuss some Orange County pest controls tips and issues you may need to deal with as a Florida homeowner.

Orange County Pest Control: Are the pests bad in Orlando Florida?

Florida is a state that is notorious for its pest control challenges. And why that is has a multi-step answer because there’s a few root causes for the flourishing populations of insects.

The primary reason bugs thrive in the state of Florida is the ecology and environment. Bugs thrive in areas with mild winters, high temperatures, and tropical ecosystems. And Florida is lousy with all three! From our pristine beaches that incline into low-lying woodlands, to our swamps that provide the perfect food sources and nurseries for these insects- Florida is a pest paradise! And rarely do winters see temperatures that can cause insects to die off or hibernate anymore, so its only getting more buggy by the year.

Human tourism and travel is a big boom to bug population sources as well. Florida is a state that thrives on shipping trade and tourism. Through shipping trade, invasive pests like fire ants and African and Asian species of mosquitoes reach our state and thrive in our mild, bug-friendly environment. And through tourism bed bugs, cockroaches, and other human-adjacent pests and parasites can get set up in housing complexes or hotels and motels. Business growth such as restaurants can increase pest populations in urban areas as well, with the presence of food filled dumpsters and excess cardboard.

There really isn’t any way to escape the pests in Florida. Orange county pest control is something you’ll likely need at some point if you own a home in the area.

What are the most common pests in Orlando?

In central Florida, there’s going to be a few pests you see quite a lot as a homeowner. We’ll touch on some of the most common ones.


If you’ve lived in any southern state, you know that mosquitos are a part of life. In Florida, they’re a genuine hassle and sometimes even a safety threat. Thanks to our international tourism and shipping industries, which are pillars of our economy, we have quite a few species of invasive mosquito in Orange county.

We’ve seen species from Asia, such as the Asian Tiger Mosquito- a large species with white stripes. We’ve also seen species from Africa, such as the Aedes Aegypti; famous for the Zika virus. And because of our very mild winters, wet ecosystems, and hurricane season, we experience massive population booms in spring and summer. While most species of mosquito are relatively harmless if not annoying, Florida has enough problematic species that are vectors for human diseases that you should genuinely deal with mosquitoes if you have problems on your property.

If you’re worried about a potential mosquito problem on your property, visit our website at and check out our mosquito smack service!


Of course, cockroaches are a major issue in Florida. And there’s two species you’ll often run across.

One is the German cockroach. The females of this species are super breeders, and can have hundreds of offspring in no time at all. They’re a pale yellow species, with two stripes that run parallel down the back of their heads. They’re usually less than an inch in length, and are known to infest areas with moisture. Under sinks and bathrooms are common places to find them.

Then you have the American cockroach. One of the largest and most intimidating bugs in the country, this is the largest American species of roach. Reaching three inches in length, these bugs have mahogany shells that can have a slightly reddish hue. They’re easily recognized not only by their size, but by the yellow band that runs along the back of their head on their shells.

These roaches are capable of flight as adults, and are attracted to light being a nocturnal species. You’ll hear loud thunks on your windows at night sometimes, and there’s a good chance its an American cockroach trying to fly in.


All over the south, ants are a problem. In Florida, it’s even worse. The Red imported fire ant and the ghost ant are two common species that will infest central Florida homes.

Red imported fire ants are a hardy and aggressive species of home infesting pest. While they won’t often nest inside homes, preferring grassy fields to build their mounds on, they’re not shy about coming inside. These ants will eat wood in outdoor structures much like termites, and have no issue raiding your kitchens for food and bathrooms for water.

When they attack, these ants grab hold to you with their jaws and sting repeatedly to inject an alkaloid venom. These ants are genuinely dangerous to young children, as they will swarm and attack anything that disturbs them.

Ghost ants are tiny, off-white colored ants that are very difficult to spot. They will invade homes through overhanging tree branches or plants that make contact with outer walls. And once inside, they will spawn multiple queens who will make multiple nests inside of homes. Infestations from these type of ants can get out of hand quickly.

Orange County Pest Control: How to deal with Florida pests?

Florida pests are a tough, mixed bag of insects that require knowledge and expertise to deal with properly. If you’re experiencing a pest issue today in your home or business, visit our website at Either fill out the pop-up on our home page, or call the number in the top right to get the Orange county pest control you need today.

Let Earth’s Best show you why we’ve been trusted in Central Florida for three decades!