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Hernando county, Florida is a great place to live. In either direction you’re close to one of the things that make Florida such a booming state. To the east, only a few hours drive to the happiest place on earth as well as a half dozen other amusement parks. To the west, the Gulf of Mexico and Florida’s pristine west coast beaches. However, there is a downside in Florida: and its the bugs. You’ll likely need some Hernando pest control help as a homeowner in the area, so lets touch on some of the reasons why.

Hernando Pest Control: Are the pests bad in  Hernando County, Florida?

Well, I’ll be quick with this one for those who aren’t a fan of reading much: yes. But that goes for anywhere in Florida, and there’s a few reasons why.

For one, our ecosystem and climate is the perfect cradle for insect life. You have our beautiful beaches surrounded by low-lying scrublands. Our woody forests full of Spanish moss that decline into beautiful marshes and boggy swamps.  And combine that with year round warm weather, and you have everything a bug can ask for. They have breeding grounds, plentiful food, and more than enough shelter to hide when they need to.

Combine that with our booming tourism and shipping industries, and you have a perfect storm of pest issues. The shipping brings the real heavyweight outdoor pests to our shores, while the travel and tourism industries bring things like invasive bed bugs and cockroaches. And with that question asked and answered, let’s get into some of the usual suspects in the realm of Hernando Pest Control. We’ll start with one everybody hates.

Hernando Pest Control: What bugs are common in Hernando Florida?

bed bugs

We’ll start off with a bang, the infamous bed bugs. Bed bugs are small, hard to see insects when they haven’t fed. They have translucent bodies and are only about the size of an apple seed. However, when one feeds they grow to many times their own size, and are a rusty red as they digest your blood.

These pests arrive in the suitcases and vehicles of travelers and tourists. And if you travel anywhere in Florida, its a good idea to keep a wary eye out for bed bugs in your room. Taking a few of these home creates an absolute nightmare that can only be solved with the help of a Hernando pest control specialist.

A suggestion that’s helped many is to keep your clothes in vacuum-sealable bags. Doing so will greatly reduce the chance of hitch-hiking bed bugs surviving the journey to your home. And if you get home and immediately wash and dry your clothes, that chance becomes even smaller.


Florida is not a state for picnics. Not only will the sun be beating you down the whole time, but you can’t throw a rock in Florida without it landing in an ant pile. Usually, its one of two species in Hernando.

The first is the frankly fascinating Argentine ant. These ants span the globe and are on every continent except for Antarctica. And outside of their home range in South America, will not compete between colonies unlike other ant species. Genetic testing has found that outside of their native range, all of these colonies descend from one super colony. So an infestation of these ants can grow- and fast, into a real problem.

The other species to be on the look out for is a little more dangerous. Well, quite a bit more dangerous. Its the red imported fire ant, another invasive pest from South America that reached the U.S. in the 1930s aboard a cargo ship. Since then, they’ve spread to every state in the southeast and have outcompeted many native species. The problem with these ants is their aggression. An aggravated fire ant will grab with its mandibles anything that disturbs them, and stab repeatedly with their stinger to inject an alkaloid venom into their blood. Allergic reactions can kill people, and small children and babies are most at risk.


And finally, the one no one likes to hear about. The mighty cockroach. They’ll always be with us, and likely will be here after we’re gone. Let’s talk about the species that will have you needing some Hernando pest control.

First there’s the American cockroach, the largest species in the United States. This roach can reach three inches in length as an adult. You can recognize them from their mahogany color and the yellow half circle that goes around the back of their heads. This species has a fully developed set of wings, and will fly to escape your attempts to crush them.

German cockroaches are another common species in the county. This is a medium sized roach, rarely reaching over an inch in length. Its the most common home infesting roach on the planet, however, and can be recognized by its pale yellow coloration and the stripes that run down its back. A single female of this species can lead to a full blown infestation, because they only need to mate once to have thousands of offspring. This is a heavy duty pest, so much so that they no longer exist in the wild. German cockroaches are exclusively on this earth as human parasites now, and are absolutely thriving.

Hernando Pest Control: What do I do about a bug infestation?

Well, the first thing you should do is call a pest control specialist. Many Florida pest species are small, rapidly reproducing species. This means that improper use of chemical pesticides and other methods can lead to treatment resistant bugs that will only infest your house further. As a layman, the best thing you can do is tidy up and reduce clutter to keep their numbers as small as you can.

Instead, let Earth’s Best natural pest control show you why we’ve been experts in Pest Control in the area for thirty years. Visit our website and either call the number listed or fill out the pop up on our home page for a free consultation today.