Brown Recluse Spider
Spiders. That word alone gives some people the creeps. Just the thought of a hairy predator with fangs is what horror movies are made of. While all spiders can be scary, the one we will discuss today is the Brown Recluse Spider.
The Brown Recluse is not a large spider. With its leg span, the adult spider will be between the size of a quarter and a half dollar. Obviously, the body itself is much smaller. The color is brown to a yellowish brown with the shape of a violin on the top side of its body. Unless the spider has the violin shape, it is not a Brown Recluse Spider. Instead, it would be a Wolf Spider or another kind of spider.
Brown Recluse Spiders are not considered aggressive. However, if it feels threatened, this spider will inflict a bite in defense. The Recluse releases a venom with each bite. This venom can damage the skin tissue. In most cases, the victim is unaware of the bite. To many, this bite may appear to be that of another pest due to being itchy with a red spot. As time goes on, the area gets more substantial, hurts more, and the color changes. Not long after the skin may become necrotic.
Each year in the Tampa Area, many people have claimed to have been bitten by the Brown Recluse. Yet to date, not one of this species have been furnished to prove the Recluse was the culprit. Does that been this spider does not bite? No, at all. However, at this time spider bites confirmed in Tampa, were by different spiders altogether.
Although there has not been proof of Brown Recluse Spider bites in Tampa, that does not actually mean this spider is not to blame for any bites. If the spider bite does not avail itself until much later and many people never feel the bite in the first place, there is very little chance actually to capture a sample to bring to a doctor visit.
What should you do if you feel a Brown Recluse Spider has bitten you? Seek Medical attention as soon as possible — no need to wait until skin damage has occurred. The next step is to call an exterminator to provide pest control to ensure these spiders are not living where you live.