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Brandon Mosquito Control   arrow

Well, the news is out once again. Mosquitoes are spreading yet another new disease in Florida, and this one makes your brain swell. It isn’t transmitted super often, but most people who get it don’t make it. So, today we’re going to cover some common sense Brandon mosquito control tips.

Brandon Mosquito Control

Homeowner inspections are one of our largest and most important methods in helping to eliminate mosquitoes around homes and drains in residential communities.  Inspectors work to remove the mosquitoes by ridding the property of standing water thereby removing places for the mosquito to lay her eggs.  Drains are inspected and treated or mosquito-eating fish may be introduced to combat mosquitoes where appropriate. The most problematic mosquito is the Aedes aegypti that has the potential to spread dengue fever or one of the other viruses which it is capable of transmitting.  Homeowners are educated on effective methods of mosquito prevention and control including:

  •    Emptying all standing water and water-holding containers in their yards
  •    Keeping hot tubs and pools in working condition and appropriately chlorinated
  •    Changing water in pet bowls, flower vases and birdbaths at least twice a week
  •    Screening rain barrels, water tanks and cisterns or requesting fish
  •    Emptying plastic swimming pools when not in regular use
  •    Flushing out water-holding plants like bromeliads
  •    Cleaning clogged roof gutters and draining flat roofs
  •    Stocking ornamental ponds with mosquito-eating fish
  •    Drilling holes in garbage cans and recycle bins
  •    Removing old tires with stagnant water
  •    Removing water from stored boats

So don’t forget, preventative action is the best step in Brandon mosquito control.

Mosquito Smack

If the Brandon mosquito control isn’t something you can do on your own, thankfully we have a service we can offer. With the Earth’s Best Mosquito Smack Service, our trained technicians will evaluate your property then detail all of the potential nesting sites on your property.
Once complete, our skilled employees will treat the nesting areas with a natural solution that will kill the mosquitoes while keeping your family, pets and the environment safe from those nasty biting critters.

Call Today

So, give us a call today so we can help make your backyard a place you can spend time this summer without worrying about being eaten alive by those pesky skeeters
Call us today for more information. 800-634-1313 or visit our website