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Tampa Mosquitoes Are Back!   arrow

Well, it seems that the deluge of rain has finally stopped. But, it’s not going to last for too much longer. We’re about to have another solid few days of downpour. And you know what that means? Well, it means a few things. Gardens are going to be greener. It’s going to be at least a little less brutally hot for a few days, and the mosquito population is going to bloom. Today, we’ll discuss the return of Tampa mosquitoes, and why the rain attracts them so much.

Tampa Mosquitoes: Why more after rain?

Most people probably know this, but mosquito populations boom after a period of heavy rains. Why? Well, it all has to do with the mosquito’s lifestyle. Adult female mosquitoes lay there eggs on the inner, wet walls of water filled containers, usually above the waterline. And when they do this, they tend to lay up to 100 eggs at a time. These eggs are very hardy, and stick to the walls of the container. They can even survive without drying out for up to eight months.

Needless to say, these things are very hardy. That’s why it’s best to empty all containers of any standing water around your house, and that includes things like small buckets or old tires. The less space you give to Tampa mosquitoes to breed, the less of them you’ll see.

Mosquito smack!

While most companies offer little in the way of mosquito control, we actually have a dedicated service.

With the Earth’s Best Mosquito Smack Service, our trained technicians will evaluate your property then detail all of the potential nesting sites on your property.
Once complete, our skilled employees will treat the nesting areas with a natural solution that will kill the mosquitoes while keeping your family, pets and the environment safe from those nasty biting critters.