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Tampa Mosquito Control   arrow

Down in Florida, we have a little bit of a bug problem. If it walks, crawls, flies, or slithers, you can probably find it down here. But the most numerous and ever expanding group of pests is in a league of its own. That’s why today, we’re going to talk about Tampa mosquito control. Not only that, but we’ll touch on a few common species and Earth’s Best’s mosquito smack service that can help keep your property a little more parasite-free!

Tampa Mosquito Control: Why are mosquitoes so bad in Florida?

The climate central reports that Tampa’s mosquito season is growing longer every year. And whether or not you believe in global climate change, it doesn’t change that fact. Tampa bay’s mosquito season is increasing in the number of days per year it’s considered active. Forty years ago, it was roughly three hundred and twenty days. Now, two days have been added. It doesn’t sound like much, sure. But when the rest of the country is wearing flannel and having Thanksgiving, are you happy to be dealing with Tampa mosquito control issues? I certainly am not!

And the things that made this state attractive to you are unfortunately also not in your favor. Do you spend your days outside? Maybe wandering the beach, a hike through a forest? I’m sure you noticed some of those places are absolutely full of mosquitoes. And that’s because it’s their preferred habitat! Warm weather, high densities of people for food, and plenty of shelter from the wind and rain. Florida’s shrubby coastal beaches and low-lying forests are ideal for these flying parasites. And don’t even get me started on the swamps. Stagnant water or slow-moving bodies are a mosquito’s best friend.

Then you have the temperature and the rain. But sure, you say, there hasn’t been a lot of rain this year! Well, mosquitoes still thrive in temperatures from about fifty to a hundred degrees. Sound familiar? It should because that’s where the Bay Area sits for all but a few days every year. Don’t expect these buzzing pests to go anywhere soon. They love paradise just as much as you! That’s why Tamp Mosquito Control is so important.

Tampa Mosquito Control: What species of mosquito are common in Florida?

Alright, now let’s get into some of the species you can find in the Bay Area, and touch on some diseases they can transfer with a bite. We’ll try to focus on the largest ones, but keep in mind there are almost a hundred different species in Florida. All of them carry different diseases and behave differently.

Salt Marsh mosquito

Aedes taeniorhynchus is known commonly as the salt marsh mosquito. They’re voracious stalkers and will actively seek out humans for blood meals during the day or night. This species is medium-sized, and tends to be dark brown in color with recognizable white stripes underneath. They have the capacity and strength to fly great distances, but as their name hints, you’ll usually find them near salt flats and mangrove forests. These mosquitoes also breed in water that’s saline and brackish.

Females lay their eggs on exposed soil during low tides, which can remain dormant for a number of years. When high tides or heavy rains flood, that’s when the larvae hatch and quickly cycle into adults in the course of about a week. They can become adults even faster under the right weather conditions.

Asian Tiger Mosquito

Ades albopictus. Next on the list is the infamous Asian Tiger Mosquito. These flying parasites came to American shores from Asia in massive tire shipments aboard freighters. It’s estimated that they became established in roughly nineteen eighty-six and have spread ever since. This is a species of daytime feeders, and they tend to be smaller and fly lower to the ground. I call them ankle biters because they favor bites on exposed feet and ankle skin.

This species is incredible in the various places they can lay their eggs. Pretty much anything that can hold water for a time can be a nursery for an Asian tiger mosquito. They can breed in containers, old tires, bird baths, and even potted plants that are overwatered. This species on your property means you’re in dire need of Tampa mosquito control unfortunately.

Yellow  fever mosquito

Ades aegypti is a scientific name a lot of you may recognize. They’re very similar to Asian Tiger mosquitoes in appearance and behavior. They also vector similar diseases. This is another species of ankle biter, and they blew up on the news not too long ago for being the main vector of the Zika virus in South Florida. They’re small, dark, and have lyre-shaped markings on their backs. They also have white stripes on their legs on their legs and stomach. But this mosquito can transfer more than just Zika. They’re also known vectors of Yellow Fever, Dengue, and Chikungunya viruses.

They hunt similarly to Asian Tiger Mosquitoes as well. They fly low to the ground and will fly quite a distance away before coming back and attempting to bite again. Persistent is an understatement when discussing these ankle-biter species.

Tampa Mosquito Control: Earth’s Best’s Mosquito smack service!

Unleashing 30 Years of Game-Changing Pest Control: In 2024, Earth’s Best Natural Pest Management proudly celebrates three decades of revolutionizing the industry. Since our inception in 1994, we’ve continuously pushed the boundaries of alternative pest control methods, delivering unrivaled expertise and unwavering commitment. Our mission remains crystal clear: to safeguard your children, employees, pets, and the environment with the most advanced and up-to-date services available. Join our 30th-anniversary celebration and partner with Earth’s Best to experience a new era in pest management. Let us help you with your Tampa Mosquito Control.

With the Earth’s Best Mosquito Smack Service, our trained technicians will evaluate your property and then detail all of the potential nesting sites on your property.
Once complete, our skilled employees will treat the nesting areas with a natural solution that will kill the mosquitoes while keeping your family, pets, and the environment safe from those nasty biting critters.

Call Today

So, give us a call today so we can help make your backyard a place where you can spend time this summer without worrying about being eaten alive by those pesky skeeters.
Call us today for more information. 800-634-1313 or visit our website