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Late Summer Mosquitoes   arrow

Here we are again, the end of august and sliding right into September. It seems that no matter where you find yourself within the Tampa area nowadays, you’re usually confronted by a voracious swarm of blood-sucking mosquitos. Feeling like you’re being eaten alive as you rush from shelter to shelter is more than just your mind playing tricks on you, this year the feeding frenzy is out in full force to end the summer, and the battle of the bugs has certainly begun against the Late Summer Mosquitoes.

The weather hasn’t really started to cool down again, but here in the sunshine state, it’s VERY rainy. Like, almost every single day we’ve been covered with water and clouds. And this is the perfect environment for one of Florida’s worst pests to bloom. The late summer mosquitoes are out in force, and today we’ll be discussing them. And at the end, we’ll cover some mosquito basics to keep your yard less infested.

Late Summer Mosquitoes: Overview

And while a global pandemic grips us all, it’s easy to forget that there are more dangers than covid-19. Mosquitoes in Florida carry a myriad of diseases. They carry things like Zika, West Nile, Eastern Equine Encephalitis. And according to the CDC, cases of vector-borne diseases, which include those transmitted by mosquitoes, more than tripled in the US since 2004. In fact, they note that the vast majority of control organizations for vectors lack the capacity to keep up. Basically, you have no one to count on but yourself in this matter.

Mosquitoes are a species that loves long grass, humidity, and standing water. This is something you’ll find in droves in central Florida. And the fact that we never really get cold enough to be rid of them, expect a massive swarm of these late summer mosquitoes every time you go out after a rain. In fact, the risk of transmission of mosquito-borne disease at this time is higher than the rest of the year.

Basically, this is the time of year you need to be the most cautious. The weather is getting slightly more tolerable. That means people will be out in force. From a mix of the summer heat backing down and quarantine blues. Late summer mosquitoes have a veritable buffet to pick from now, which means you need to take your steps to de-mosquito your property.

Late Summer Mosquito Prevention

To start with, there’s always personal prevention. For example, when you go outside you need to cover up. I’m sure no one wants to hear that. Even though it’s ninety degrees, a sweater and long pants are crucial if you’re going into a mosquito-infested area. Treat clothing, sunshades, and screen houses with a permethrin-based product, such as Permanone. Permethrin repels both mosquitoes and ticks and will last through several washes on your clothing. To treat an item, you have to really soak it, so a bottle of spray can get used up pretty quickly.

A 12-ounce bottle can treat four garments. At that rate, it’s impractical to treat an entire wardrobe, but it’s worth treating any items you consistently wear in the outdoors. Also, pay attention to whatever shoes or boots you wear regularly while hiking. One study showed that those who wore permethrin treated shoes and socks were about 74 percent less likely to get a tick bite.

Drill holes in the bottom, not the sides, of any garbage or recycling containers stored outdoors. Holes on the sides still allow enough water to accumulate in the bottom for mosquitoes to breed. Keep gutters clean and unclogged. Be sure your downspouts drain properly, without leaving puddles in the drainage area.

You may need to reroute your downspouts or add extensions to carry water away. The use of some other repellent products, such as citronella candles and mosquito coils, may also be effective if used in windless conditions. Some concerns about mosquito coils, which are impregnated with chemicals, and possible respiratory impacts have been raised recently, however. So shop and use it with discretion!

Also, don’t rely on the archaic bug zappers. Though the satisfying sizzle you hear from this modern-day insect torture device will convince you it’s working, don’t expect much relief from backyard mosquitoes. According to Crans, biting insects (including mosquitoes) generally make up less than 1% of the bugs zapped in these popular devices. Many beneficial insects, on the other hand, do get electrocuted.

What to do?

At the end of the day, year-round vigilance is the number one weapon in the fight against mosquitoes. You really don’t have much else you can do beyond that. Keep your gutters clean, keep your house maintained, keep your headaches down. Otherwise, you’ll end up walking out into a storm of mosquitoes around this time of year.

Once an infestation starts, it’s also nearly impossible to stop for an untrained layman. Consider employing a natural pest control specialist to help you in your fight against late summer mosquitoes. These pests are a real danger to your home and health, so act as fast as possible! And just to drive it home, chemical pesticides have long been proven dangerous and almost ineffective as the insects adapt to it. So make doubly sure to go for a pest control specialist that uses safe and effective methods!
Mosquito Smack

With the Earth’s Best Mosquito Smack Service, our trained technicians will evaluate your property then detail all of the potential nesting sites on your property.

Once complete, our skilled employees will treat the nesting areas with a natural solution that will kill the mosquitoes while keeping your family, pets, and the environment safe from those nasty biting critters.

Call Today

So, give us a call today so we can help make your backyard a place you can spend time this summer without worrying about being eaten alive by those pesky skeeters. Take the wellbeing of your safety and family into your own hands before one of you ends up sick, or worse, from a wayward bite!

Call us today for more information. 800-634-1313 or visit our website