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Wrath of the Florida Deer Fly   arrow

You’ve likely been assaulted by a myriad of large, strong flying pests at least once this spring. Well, today I’m going to shed some light on these little biters. Florida Deer fly adults range in size from about a quarter to a third of an inch long.

Their wings are clear, but with dark bands or patches. Their bodies are gray or light brown, and some species have yellow and black stripes. Distinctively, deer flies have large, brightly colored eyes and antennae larger than their heads.

Like the horse fly, the Florida deer fly feeds on the blood of humans and other animals. Warm weather brings them out in droves, and they rely on color, movement, or good old CO2 output to find their victims.

The pests rarely enter homes because they prefer moist habitats like marshes, woodland ponds and streams and, unfortunately, there are very few practical methods that will prevent or control deer flies around the home.

Deer flies use their sharp mouthparts to inflict painful bites. While they do not usually have long-term effects, bites can cause allergic reactions in some people. In addition, deer flies occasionally carry diseases like tularemia and can transfer the disease to humans through the deer fly’s bite.
Deer flies are plentiful in damp, wooded, or swampy environments, which is why the Florida deer fly is so abundant.

The most obvious sign of a deer fly infestation is the bothersome and painful biting caused by the adult female flies and the symptoms of their bites.