New Port Richey Mole Cricket Exterminator
If you live in the Southeastern United States, you’ve seen this pest before. The mole cricket is a big brown creepy crawler with a head like a shovel. You can identify it by it’s grayish-brown, velvety body and short wings. It also has large black eyes and wide front legs adapted for digging. Like any other cricket, it also has hind legs evolved specifically for jumping. Adult mole crickets can be up to an inch long as well. If you have these pests you may need a New Port Richey Mole Cricket Exterminator.
Despite looking more brutal than their cousins, this insect chirps just like a grasshopper or cricket. Mole crickets were introduced from South American in the 1900s. You can find them in every part of Florida, from Tampa to Brandon, to Orlando.
If you hear their telltale call, you may want to give a call to the New Port Richey mole cricket exterminator!
Infestation Signs
There’s usually only two major visible signs of mole cricket infestation.
The first you’ll see is small, brown soil mounds in your lawn. Similar to ant hills but not quite as easy to spot. The other is patches of dying grass dappled throughout your lawn. This is caused by the mole cricket’s tunneling habits.
Since the mole cricket is nocturnal, it’s not easy to identify the pest during daytime hours. To be completely certain you’re dealing with mole crickets, mix 2 tablespoons of dishwashing liquid with a gallon of water in a large bucket and pour the solution over a 1–2 square-foot area of your lawn that you think has been affected by mole crickets. Perform this task in the early morning or late evening. If mole crickets are present, they’ll surface within a few minutes.
What you can do
Once you get a mole cricket infestation, there’s not much you can do without the help of a professional. The best thing you can do for your lawn is to contact a New Port Richey Mole Cricket Exterminator that uses natural methods of pest controls to get rid of these things and not damage your lawn.