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Florida Gnat Control   arrow

Have you ever wondered why the Gnats in Florida are so bad? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Every year the second winter ends you’ll find yourself fighting gnats off with everything from electric fly swatters to flip flops. But at the end of the day, they’re just going to keep coming. That’s why today we’re going to talk about Florida gnat control and give you a few tips on how to deal with these pests.

Gnats and midges are most common in spring and summer and are important pests around lakes, rivers, and marine areas where they lay their eggs. Although they are weak fliers, they can be carried long distances by downwind, migrating from nearby ponds, lakes, or rivers to swimming pools, homes, and buildings. Many gnats and midges are attracted to light and can be a nuisance, landing on people or entering homes or businesses. These tiny flies do not feed and only live long enough to mate, lay eggs, and die.

If you believe you need help with a gnat infestation in or around your home, and would like to work with a natural pest control company that’s been serving the area for over twenty five years, either call us at 1-800-634-1313 or visit us at to set up an appointment or consultation. 

Florida Gnat Control: Fungus Gnats

The first kind of gnat we’ll talk about is the fungus gnats. Fungus gnats live in damp regions and love to breed around areas with plenty of available decomposing material. They frequently make their way indoors and are usually greyish to black in color. The adults of this species will come indoors and spend long times there. These gnats are about two millimeters in length, so while you’ll notice them flying around, they’re difficult to identify and control. They don’t bite, but they fly around the ears, nose, and faces of humans on a regular basis.

There are two main types of fungal gnats you’ll find in Florida, adult flies and larvae. Adult flies enter into homes and feed on a liquid diet. Except for the fact that they are found flying irritatingly all over, adult flies are not known to carry any diseases or germs. They are not dangerous at all. The larvae, on the other hand, feed on plants and bring an excellent level of damage to plants. These larvae can bring excessive damage in places like nurseries, greenhouses, and other farms, where they can feed on roots and cause these plants to rot. These larvae are the chief carriers of plant fungal diseases like Botrytis blight, Fusarium wilt, Verticilium Wilt, Black root rot etc.

Adult flies are grey in color and they are anywhere between 1/6th and 1/8th of an inch. Larvae are 1/4th of an inch long, and they have black heads. Plant debris and soil formations with a huge amount of fungus are places where female fungus gnats lay their eggs on. The life of fungus gnats goes through 4 main stages – egg, larvae, pupa, and finally, an adult fly. It takes around 4 weeks for eggs to develop into an adult fly.

Other types of gnats

There are a few other gnats that can be pests as well. Drain flies are one and are typically found around sinks. That goes for bathrooms or residential homes. They thrive on moisture and decaying organic matter in the drain. They’ll fly up into the air around the sink when disturbed.

And then you have the fruit flies. Fruit flies collect on decaying fruits and vegetables. If a cloud of gnats ever puffs up into the air when throwing out an old banana, there’s no doubt that those were fruit flies.

Florida Gnat Control: Tips

To start off with, avoiding water accumulation in your home is one of the best things you can do to keep gnats out of your house. Ensure that draining around your entire home is well facilitated. That can go for everything from sprinklers to toilets. But make sure to keep a close eye on the sink. Not only that but keeping plants from getting too wet helps as well. Consider using timed intervals for plant watering as well. Allowing the topsoil to dry out properly can protect against gnat breeding.

And if you garden, make sure to keep your composting methods far away from your home. Composting requires decaying plant and biological material. Not only that, but constant moisture. Both of these things make compost piles and bins are very attractive to gnats. Make sure to turn and aerate your pile often, as this can cut down on pests inside of it. Other than that, ensure the brown to green ratio is on point and keep it away from your home.

One of the most effective methods for controlling and getting rid of gnats is by using a bug zapper. These devices attract gnats and electrocute them, causing them to die and collect in the bottom of the device. Many of the modern bug zappers on the market are safe for indoor use, so placing one on the counter or near plants can take care of a gnat problem quickly.

There are also other devices that use fans to trap bugs and then dehydrate them, and they work without electrocution. However, just realize that whether you’re using a traditional bug zapper or one of the fan-powered devices, they will trap other bugs that may be beneficial, like honeybees and other pollinators.

How to get rid of a Florida gnat infestation?

Well, outside of essential Florida gnat control there’s not going to be a ton you can do on your home. Obviously, deal with any drainage problems you have first and foremost. But after that? Contact a natural pest control specialist. These are small, very fast, and very quick breeding insects. Improper use of poisons will not only put you at risk, but with how fast a new generation of gnats comes around, you may be breeding them to be resistant to pesticides.

Instead, as I said above, leave it to someone with the proper training and equipment.