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Down south here in Florida, we tend to do everything in extremes. Sunny weather year round with only a day or two dipping below twenty is an excellent example of that. Accepting a population of twenty two million people in another state is another! And these extremes are some of the biggest contributing factors to the simple fact that this state is just stuffed full of pests. So today, let’s discuss some of the realities of the pest situation here in central Florida and cover some basics regarding Brandon natural pest management.

Brandon Natural Pest Management: Why so many bugs in Florida?

To begin, let’s touch on why there are so many bugs in Florida. The number one reason is, quite simply, the climate. Humans aren’t the only things around that love warm, sunny weather. In fact, bugs love it even more and need it to survive. And with the changes in climate that have been happening recently, Florida doesn’t even have days where you go out and see frost the ground anymore. Because of this, bug populations are never killed off or even forced to go dormant for any stretch of time. So year round you’ll be dealing with pests, especially indoor ones like cockroaches and the like.

Another reason that pest populations are booming here is the human population. You have over twenty two million people in the state at this point. Because of this, populations of pests that parasite on humans are going to explode. For example, the tourist industry in Florida is huge. People bring their bed bugs of all shapes and sizes from all over the world. And since the local population is so massive, there is never a time when these bed bug populations die back. The same goes for cockroaches swarming over the huge amounts of trash produced by the average American family.

And finally, you have the actual environment of Florida. Low lying swampy forests and sandy, coastal plains both make for incredible insect habitats. That’s why any species of bug from either here or abroad thrive once it reaches Florida’s shores. And with the population booming, the tourism industry growing, and global warming, you can expect Florida’s population of insects to increase and diversify in the coming years.

Brandon Natural Pest Management: Common Florida Pests

Now let’s touch on some of the most common pest insects you’ll find around the state. We’ll start with maybe the grossest of them all, the cockroach.


Cockroaches in Florida are a significant problem. Not only will most homes in the state deal with at least one severe infestation in its lifetime, but most homes will also deal with a smaller infestation once every few years. You can think of the sheer number of species and niches they fill for that.

On one end of the spectrum, you have the porch light and garden bed loving American cockroach. Often called a palmetto bug by people from out of state, this is one of the largest species of cockroach around. Adults can be up to three inches in length and are a mahogany brown color.

Then you have the indoor species. There are several, but the most prolific is the German cockroach. If you see one of these, you need to run for some Brandon natural pest management as soon as possible. You can recognize them from their yellowish-brown coloration and two stripes that run the length of their body from the back of their heads. A single female of this species can be an infestation all her own, as she can make thousands of offspring over her lifetime.

Bed Bugs

As I mentioned above, Florida is a massive destination for tourists. Because of this, millions of people from varying socio-economic walks of life visit the state every year. And with that comes everything that travelers bring: increased traffic, less space, and bed bugs.

And if you throw the fact that travel within the state is also popular, the problem compounds itself. It’s not just the person from New York or China going on vacation; people from Tampa and other cities go all over the state to see the various parks and sites and bring their bed bugs with them as they go.

Brandon Natural Pest Management: Control Tips

So as you can see, in Florida, you’re going to be dealing with many different kinds of pests. Hopefully, not all at once, but preparing for anything is good. And as the state gets fuller and more developed, it’s going to be even harder to keep these infestations at bay. And the first thing you can do to help that is to stay clean. Cleanliness is the ultimate weapon in the fight against many species of pests, such as ants and cockroaches. Never leave crumbs you dropped on the ground, and always wipe up sweet liquids when you spill them.

As for things like bed bugs, an extra layer of caution is needed for traveling situations. Double pack your clothes into air-tight plastic sleeves inside of the suitcase itself. Not only will that make it easier to see any hitchhikers you pick up, it has a chance to suffocate unnoticed bugs while traveling from place to place. Also, be very careful when taking in second hand furniture or electronics. These things can be full of old bed bugs and bed bug eggs. So when you see a couch on the side of the road in Florida, there’s a good chance you should just pass it up. Anything else needs a good inspection, too, however.

But at the end of the day, if you genuinely need Brandon natural pest management it’s best to leave it to the pros. A small infestation can become large very quickly. And improper use of chemical pesticides can cause a real issue, as fast breeding insects can develop a genetic resistance over a few short generations. If you’d like help feel free to visit us at or call us at  1-800-634-1313 to set up a consultation.