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Apartment Ant Infestations   arrow

Down in Florida, we’re going through a little bit of a construction boom. For better or for worse, you can’t really throw a stick without it landing in a pile of new buildings. And all of this activity means plenty of pest issues. So today, let’s talk about apartment ant infestations and what ants typically infest central Florida homes.

Apartment Ant Infestations: Are ants bad in Florida apartments?

Florida is a rough state to live with if you’re squeamish about pests. Thanks to our year-round sunshine, ecology, and massive tourism industries, you really can’t get away from the fact that, at some point, you’ll likely be contending with some creepy crawlies. And ants are one of the biggest groups of infesting insects in the Tampa area. And down here, we deal with both native and invasive species.

Managing ant populations in Florida is challenging due to the diversity of species and their adaptability. Effective management often requires a combination of strategies, including sanitation, exclusion, and chemical treatments. Public awareness and education about the importance of preventing the spread of invasive species are also crucial in mitigating their impact.

Florida’s rich biodiversity ensures a steady supply of food for ants. They are omnivorous and can feed on a wide range of substances, including plant material, other insects, and human food waste. The presence of numerous flowering plants provides nectar, while the abundance of insects offers a protein source. Urban areas, with their garbage and food scraps, also provide ample foraging opportunities for ants.

Human activities have inadvertently contributed to the proliferation of ants in Florida. The movement of goods and materials can transport ants to new locations, while urbanization creates new habitats and food sources. Landscaping practices, such as the use of mulch and irrigation, can also create favorable conditions for ants to nest and forage.

What type of ants are common in Florida?

Alright, now let’s brush up on a few common home-infesting ants in Florida. Two of the worst are the Fire Ant and the Ghost Ant

fire ants

Also known as the Red Imported Fire Ant, this one is an apartment ant infestations source that is genuinely dangerous. The Red Imported Fire Ant  is one of the most notorious invasive species in Florida. Originally from South America, these ants were accidentally introduced to the United States in the 1930s through the port of Mobile, Alabama. Since then, they have spread across the southeastern United States, including Florida, where they have become a significant pest.

Red imported fire ants are small, ranging from 1/8 to 1/4 inch in length, and are reddish-brown with a darker abdomen. They are known for their aggressive behavior and painful stings, which can cause allergic reactions in some individuals. These ants are highly social and live in large colonies that can contain up to 250,000 workers and several queens.

In addition to their ecological impact, red imported fire ants pose a threat to agriculture and human activities. They can damage crops by feeding on seeds, seedlings, and fruits. They also pose a risk to livestock, as their stings can injure or even kill young animals. For humans, encounters with these ants can be painful and dangerous, especially for those who are allergic to their venom. These ants are aggressive to anything that disturbs their colonies and are known to swarm and bite anything that disturbs them.

Ghost ants

Ghost ants are a common pest in Florida. These tiny ants are named for their pale, almost translucent legs and abdomen, which make them appear ghost-like. They are a tropical and subtropical species, thriving in warm, humid environments, which makes Florida an ideal habitat for them.

Ghost ants are particularly notorious for their presence in households. They are often found in kitchens and bathrooms, attracted by moisture and food sources. These ants are omnivorous, feeding on sweets, proteins, and grease. Their colonies can range from moderate to large, typically housing between 100 to 1000 individuals, and they often have multiple queens.

Controlling ghost ants can be difficult due to their nesting habits and the presence of multiple queens in a single colony. Effective management typically involves a combination of sanitation, exclusion, and chemical treatments. Keeping homes clean and free of food debris can help reduce the attractiveness of the environment to these ants. Sealing cracks and crevices can prevent them from entering buildings. In cases of severe infestations, professional pest control services may be necessary to apply targeted treatments that can reach the ants’ nesting sites.

Despite their small size, ghost ants can be a significant nuisance. They can contaminate food and surfaces, and their presence can be unsettling to homeowners. Understanding their behavior and habits is crucial for effective control and prevention. By maintaining good sanitation practices and addressing potential entry points, it is possible to minimize the impact of ghost ants in Florida homes.

Apartment Ant Infestations: How to get ants out of my apartment?

When it comes to getting ants out of your apartment in Florida, there are a few steps you can take. At least to reduce their numbers, anyway. Most serious infestations will require professional help.

One thing to do immediately when you notice ants is to clean your house. If you remove food sources, most of the time the ants will go away on their own if they’re not actually infesting your home. Removing leaks and cleaning up any standing water will help in that department too, as ants are known to invade homes for water sources.

Entry points are a big part of infestation as well. Inspect your apartment for potential entry points. Ants can enter through tiny cracks and crevices. Seal these entry points with caulk or weather stripping. Pay attention to windows, doors , and any gaps around plumbing and electrical outlets.

But if you truly believe you’re dealing with serious apartment ant infestations, don’t hesitate. Visit our website at and either call the listed number or fill out the pop up on the home page for a free consultation today. Let Earth’s Best show you why we’ve been servicing the area for three decades!