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Tampa Bed Bugs

Here in the sunshine state, the cold weather is starting to wrap up. Florida doesn’t have many cold months, and the few we have are about to come to a close. And with the warm weather returning, we’re gonna get a LOT of pests coming back. Pests that were suppressed, but not killed by the mild winter. But today, we’re not talking about them. The pest we’re discussing today is the vampire of the insect world. One that doesn’t care about the weather, or what it’s like outside. Come rain or shine, you could always have an infestation of Tampa bed bugs. These little biters live in your home. And if it’s comfortable for you, it’s comfortable for them.

Bed bug infestation: the signs

When it comes to bed bugs, a lot of people attribute their bites that they wake up with to other parasites. You may think it was anything from a flea to a mosquito. But, thankfully, there are some telltale ways to tell if it’s, in fact, a bedbug that has left its mark on you.

For one, bloodstains on your sheets or bed itself is a good way to tell that the pest you’re dealing with is a bedbug. Nothing that bites you outside is going to leave you bleeding, especially long enough to keep bleeding until you flop down into a bed for your nightly snooze.

Another way to tell pretty easily is dark or rusty spots of bedbug poop on your mattress, sheets, or the walls near your bed. They also may leave eggshells, or shed skin near their colony. And perhaps worst of all, outside of the bites, of course, bedbugs stink. They have scent glands that release an offensive and musty odor as they go about their gross little lives.

If you think you’re infested, make sure to remove all of your bedding and check it carefully for signs of the bugs or their excrement. Remove the dust cover over the bottom of the springs and examine the seams in the wood framing. Make sure to peel back the fabric where it’s stapled to the wood frame as well, and check the area around the bed. Including books, telephones, and radios. This also includes the edge of the carpet and even electrical outlets. These guys can travel a decent way around your home to get a bite of your tasty blood. And if you find signs of a vampiric infestation in your home, you’re going to have to start steps to get rid of the bugs and make sure they don’t come back.

Tampa bed bug infestation: What to do?

Well, when you find out you have a Tampa bed bug infestation, there’s really not much a layman can do outside of general cleaning. Unfortunately, that’s almost never enough for a real colony of bugs. You’ll likely have to call a pro. And when you do, please try to pick someone that uses green and natural methods of pest control. Chemical pesticides have always been iffy, and have recently had their safety called into question. It’s better not to risk the health of your family and pets from the get-go, as opposed to learning the hard way.