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How to Prevent Bed Bugs   arrow

On the face of it, there really is nothing worse than a pest infestation. Knowing that either through a lack of preparation or cleanliness lead to it as well. And that’s for your regular, run-of-the-mill bug. One that doesn’t drink your blood. But even worse than that? Well, an infestation of blood-sucking pests! That’s why today we’re going to discuss some ways to prevent bed bugs, aka the worst infestation outside of say…killer ants? Maybe?

How To Prevent Bed Bugs: Overview

When it comes to pest infestations, knowledge is key. Not just in what to do when you’re infested, but knowing about what bugs may infest you. That’s why we’ll start with what exactly a bed bug is, and what you need to learn to prevent them from coming into your home.

To begin, bed bugs are small, oval-shaped insects that drink human and animal blood. Adults have flat bodies that are roughly shaped like apple seeds and similar in size. But when they feed, they swell up drastically. Not only that, but you can actually see your blood in their stomachs as it turns them slightly red. And while we can be thankful they cannot fly, bedbugs are still prolific. The pest can move quickly over floors, walls, and ceilings. The females may lay hundreds of eggs over the course of their life, each only about the size of a speck of dust.

Immature bedbugs shed their skins five times before reaching sexual maturity. And before each shedding, guess what they need. That’s right, blood. And if they have access to enough of it, bed bugs can develop fully as quickly as a month, and produce three more generations within the same year of its birth.

How do you get bed bugs?

Well, why do you even need to know how to prevent bed bugs? You’ll never get them surely, will you? And the answer is…maybe. Bed bugs have been sucking on human blood since as early as 400BC in ancient Greece. And we’ve honestly been stuck with them ever since. So to say that they’re good at getting to people is an understatement. So let’s cover some ways you may get bed bugs in the first place.

The most common thing I’d expect to hear from someone with this issue is that they’re a traveler. Bed bugs are intense hotel and apartment infesters. So you can pick some up visiting places such as dorm rooms, hotels, and the like. But that’s not actually the only way you can get this pest.

For example, bed bugs may travel with you through other means like second-hand furniture. They can hitch rides on things like luggage, purses, backpacks, second-hand clothes, etc. Not only that, but if you live in an apartment complex then you probably know the unfortunate truth. In an apartment, when one resident gets bed bugs, all of them do. They move easily through cracks in the walls and between homes, spreading and dropping off more as they go.

Some reasons to be concerned

Now, in life, I’m generally anti-alarmist. For example, if there’s an issue calmly assess it and move forward. But if you see bed bugs, yes stay calm…just start moving immediately. Why? Well, for one, they’re here to suck your blood. And even though they’re not vectors for many diseases, thankfully because otherwise, they’d be an EVEN BIGGER problem, they can still cause infections with their bites. You can develop itchy, red welts and swelling in the days after being bitten. And scratching them, even unconsciously in your sleep, can lead to infection.

Allergies to bed bugs are also not uncommon. Some people that have been bitten even have reactions severe enough to warrant trips to the hospital. And on top of the physical threats, very few people enjoy the thought of bed bugs in their homes. Because of this, they tend to experience increased anxiety at night. Anxious, restless, and sleepless nights can lead to plenty of problems in your everyday life.

And honestly, one of the biggest reasons you want to find and prevent bed bugs early is the way they reproduce. As I mentioned above, it really doesn’t take much for two-bed bugs to become a thousand. They lay one to five eggs every day of their life, and up to five hundred throughout their lives.

Ways to Prevent Bed Bugs

Alright, now it’s time to get down to brass tacks. To keep bed bugs out of your luggage, you have to be proactive. Not only are they excellent at sucking blood, but they’re also amazing hitchhikers. A bed bug will cling onto anything that brings them closer to you. That means they’ll travel in your suitcases, dirty clothes, or even on your body. And if they get to your car, you can bet they’ll follow you inside. However, this isn’t the only way you may end up infested with bed bugs.

To start, place your suitcases high up. Either on a stand, a table, or on the arms of a couch or chair. If you keep the rack away from all walls and furniture, it’ll be much harder for bed bugs to get in there. Also, don’t store items under your bed. It can easily lead to bedbugs finding it from the hotel mattress and making their way to yours.

Another easy tip is one that goes for most pest infestations. Remove any and all clutter from your floor. That means keeping clothes, shoes, and other items in designated spaces off and away from the ground. Because one hitchhiked bedbug on a piece of clothing means an entire infested dresser in the future. Another tip to go along with that is to store your items in plastic containers away from the bed. Bed bugs have trouble climbing across smooth surfaces anyway.

And finally, make sure to vacuum your carpets regularly. Even if you are infested already, make sure to do it anyway. The more dead bed bugs and vacuumed-up egg sacks, the easier it’ll be when you contact a professional pest control company to deal with the problem. And remember, it’s easier to prevent bed bugs than it is to deal with the infestation. Travel and shop with care.