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Florida Bed Bugs- Yikes!   arrow

Can you think of anything more horrifying than a bed bug? Small, round, nearly invisible parasites that suck your blood. When you sleep! In your own home! Like, we thought mosquitoes were bad. These guys? Maybe they’re even worse. It’s not like you can escape them by going inside.

What do they look like?

Adult bed bugs are about the size of an apple seed. About a quarter of an inch long, maybe a bit smaller. They’re brown and flat unless they’ve recently eaten some of your blood, in which case they balloon up and become engorged. Bed bug nymphs are smaller and whitish-yellow (almost translucent) in color.  Nymphs are commonly mistaken for book louse nymphs. Both are light colored but the nymph has a less elongated body. It doesn’t look like it has a neck, whereas the book louse does.  These insects eggs are tiny (the size of a pinhead) and pearl white in color.

What attracts them?

Bed bugs love humans. They’re not like ticks or mosquitoes who love all blood equally. They don’t come into your home by virtue of dirt and filth, either. They’re mostly transported in luggage or on clothing. This is why they’re so brutal in hotels and prolific in their mattresses.

When are they most active?

Bed bugs aren’t influenced by the seasons or weather like most other bugs. They are year-round active hunters and found all over North America. They’re especially prominent in Florida, as it’s such a massive destination for tourists and hotels and the like.

What do their bites look like?

Bed bug bites are slightly swollen red areas that can itch or cause irritation. They’re similar to flea or mosquito bites in that manner. Bed bug bites may be random or happen in a straight line. And you may not have any redness or symptoms when they bite you, but you can experience infections from scratching at the bite location.

What are the signs of an infestation?

After repeated bed bug bites, the human body will produce antibodies that will cause the area to itch like a mosquito bite. People who suffer numerous bites can also develop a sensitivity syndrome, which can cause nervousness, lethargy and a pale pallor.  Currently, bed bugs are not known carriers of disease and are not destructive to property. Though, Bed bug infestations can result in significant stress and economic loss.

Tropical Bed Bugs

A problem unique to Florida, these insects had not been seen since the nineteen forties. This strain of bed bugs prefers climates that are at least sub-tropical, and are found in Asia and South America as well. They probably entered the sunshine state through a port. What impact they’ll have in Florida remains to be seen, but just treating your bed with heat may not be as effective on this type of parasite.

Whatever type of bed bugs you have either in your home, business, or hotel, you should think to hire a professional. A pest control company that uses natural formulas would be best, especially after the recent roundup case and the current questioning of the safety of chemical pest control.