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Humane Rat Removal   arrow

Rats love attics. Not only are attics filled with comfortable insulation, but they’re high up and sheltered from the weather. And if you see one rat, there tends to be at least a few more in there with them. That’s why today we’ll be discussing a few methods of humane rat removal.

Humane Rat Removal: Overview

Rats are nocturnal creatures, so the first sign is usually going to be noises at night. You’ll hear them scurrying, scratching, or chewing during the night hours. A good bet as to what’s going on is usually a nesting mother since the attic is a secure location with plenty of nesting material. Rats are very capable animals as well and can squeeze into gaps in your walls that are less than an inch wide.

The rats usually find their way in through things like poorly screened roof vents, places where the soffit meets the roof, eave vents, loose siding, areas where pipes enter the home, and even your plumbing system. That’s why it’s important to seal all points of entry before you start trapping, which will lead to more success.

Can I Just Poison The Rats?

Most pest control companies use poison for their rat control. The main goal of those companies is to keep coming back and never really solve your rat problem. They want to put you on a quarterly contract that you pay for, for life. And poisons accomplish that goal: they never solve the problem. As long as your house has open holes and gaps that allow rats to enter, you will forever have a rat infestation. Poison does kill a few of the rats. But not all!

Here are the problems with using poison to kill rats. First, not all of them eat the poison. Second, not all of the rats that do eat poison actually die. Third, the rats that live reproduce so quickly that the population will be back to full level in just a few weeks. Fourth, death by poison is painful and inhumane, by internal bleeding – you may not care, but rats have every bit as much feeling as your pet dog. Fifth, the rats that do die will die in your attic or walls (not that bs myth that “they go outside to drink water”), and the smell of rotting rats caused by poison is horrible – I remove this stink almost every day. Sixth, IT NEVER SOLVES THE PROBLEM because as long as you have open holes leading into your house and attic, you’ll have rat problems.

You must find and seal shut all of these entry holes. Poison is basically a gigantic hoax perpetrated by a greedy and sleazy billion-dollar industry. Don’t fall for this hoax! Do your rat control the correct way!

Will Rat Repellent Work?

Honestly, the simple answer is no. You can fill your attic with all sorts of gimmicks. Be it strobe lights, blaring radios, or even mothballs. The thing is, none of it will work. Once rats live in your attic and establish a nest of babies, it will be up to you to remove them. For the rats, that is the only option for their litter’s survival. You can go ahead and buy some, but they will never get rid of an actual problem rat.

Humane Rat Removal: What To Actually Do

The easiest way to get rid of a rodent infestation is to prevent it before it starts. Most places are invaded by mice and rats during months of rough weather, be it during the winter when it’s cold or some natural disaster. It gives them a nice, warm place to eat and have their young. To start with, make sure any trees in your yard to have branches that can be lept from onto your home. Next, make sure to locate any gaps and holes that mice or rats can squeeze through and plug them with steel wool. The material can fit into most gaps and rats and mice can’t actually chew through it.

Then use weather stripping to seal any and all window frames and doors that present easy access. Also, don’t forget to seal your trash cans if they’re in your home and if not position them a good distance away. Clean out any vulnerable areas where they can bed down. That includes anything from old storage boxes to a crumbling bookshelf, to an old stuffed animal. You want to get rid of anything that will be easy and comfortable for them to have a litter of babies in.

Humane Rat Removal: Can I Do It Myself?

Honestly? Yes. Before you do anything, though, make sure to give your house a proper cleaning. Any food or water you leave out will just re-attract any other rats and you’ll have to start again from square one. After that, step one is to grab a ladder and inspect every inch of your house. This includes things like roof vents, plumbing stacks, soffits, soffit vents, and eave gaps. Everything at ground level as well. After that, it’s time to head inside and up into the attic. This is where you’ll really find how many rats are there and where they’re most commonly entering. Seal shut every hole possible with steel wool. And honestly, the sealing of all entry and exit holes is the only crucial part of this.

But, unless you want the place to reek of dead rats (if you find any still inside) you need to start getting rid of them. If you’re intent on killing them, or you can’t find a wildlife rescue willing to take them, snap traps are going to be the most merciful thing you can do in the pursuit of humane rat removal. But, if you’re willing to live capture the rats, a havahart trap or other kinds of live trap will work just fine. Make sure to search for any nests, as the babies inside will surely perish without their mother’s help. Try to find a wildlife rehabber in your area who is willing to take the litter.