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Florida Critters: The Cottonmouth   arrow

Florida Critters: The Cottonmouth

Florida Cottonmouth snake removal and control in and around your home is a very difficult undertaking.

Cottonmouths are one of the more aggressive snakes that any animal control operator is called to deal with on a consistent basis. Cottonmouth snakes live mostly in the southern states as they enjoy the mild to hot weather that is found in the South.

Cottonmouths snakes live in the southeast of the U.S. Specifically, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and parts of Texas. They’re found sporadically in watery parts of other southern states.

Aquatic Snakes

They are semi-aquatic and range in length from two to four feet. The Florida Cottonmouth is one of the most aggressive types of snakes found down in the south. To discourage predation from larger animals, rather than run these snakes coil up and display defensive tactics to try and discourage a predator from killing it rather than fleeing to a safe area.

The reproductive process of this snake is to breed in the early part of the spring. The female snake can start breeding at the age of three years old. The young baby cottonmouth snakes are born in the months of August and September. The baby cottonmouth snakes are typically between 4 and 6 inches long at birth. They are born self-sufficient and will immediately begin feeding upon their own. There are between one and 20 babies born at a time by each female.

These snakes can fight aggressively as soon as they are born. Sometimes, the most dangerous snake in the species in a baby snake. They don’t have the ability to distinguish actual threats and therefore are more bite-happy than an experienced adult. If you feel like you have a cottonmouth snake problem, you should immediately contact a pro to deal with it before taking a nasty hit from this venomous snake.

Florida Cottonmouth Removal

The control of the Florida Cottonmouth can be tricky. As a result, only a professional removal agent must attempt their removal. Controlling the cottonmouth snake consists of two steps.

The first step, if possible, is to remove the snake from the immediate area of concern.

The second step, you must remove all possible food sources in which the snake is interested. This includes animals such as lizards, frogs, and many types of fish.  Controlling the snakes in an environment such as a pond or a small water feature can be a relatively easy task.

But controlling the cottonmouth snake in an environment such as a lake or a river can involve a product called snake fencing. This product can be very expensive if used in an expansive area such as a backyard. You should always consult an animal control professional when dealing with cottonmouth snakes as the appropriate equipment is necessary to handle these snakes in a safe manner.

If you’re able to live side by side with enough distance with these creatures, do so. But don’t forget that this snake can be potentially deadly, especially to young children and pets. Don’t attempt to deal with it yourself, because even a large man can end up in the hospital after a nasty bite.