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6 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About the Florida Bed Bug   arrow

6 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Bed Bugs

Learn more about the Florida Bed Bug below:

  1.  Tell Tale Signs of Bed Bugs – Dark dried blood on sheets, mattress and or pillows are a good indication of a bed bug infestation. Additionally, since a bed bug shed their exoskeleton they leave the evidence behind of cast skin. In most cases, bed bugs will not be seen but the signs they leave behind will.
  2. Are Bed Bugs Crunchy? – Yes, since their skeleton is on the outside of their body. Their hard bodies allow them to hide in small crevices until it is time to feed.
  3. What are the Chances of Bringing Bed Bugs Home?  Bed Bugs are everywhere. They are in movie theaters, offices, churches, concert halls, etc. The likelihood of transporting bed bugs is great since they can hitch a ride on anything they can crawl onto.  Since these blood-sucking creatures can hitch a ride, the likelihood of bringing bed bugs home is highly likely.
  4. Bed Bugs Control, is it Easy or Difficult?-  Bed bugs breed prolifically and they nest in cracks and crevices throughout a structure, not just in and around our beds. Consequently, bed bug elimination is difficult since the places they can nest in unlimited.
  5. Pest Control Products for Bed Bugs – While there are many articles on bed bugs and the products to use for control, it is best to read the product label to ensure it lists bed bugs.  Not all products will kill bed bugs. If the label does not list bed bugs as an insect it controls, then it is imperative to locate one that does. I have read that some people like using Orange Oil for Bed Bugs. While Orange Oil is a great product for termites, its effectiveness on controlling bed bugs has not been tested. Consequently, it may not work.
  6. How do I Find a Professional to Help Control Bed Bugs – Here are some of the ways to find one near you. Start by using your favorite search engines using the following terms –Florida Bed bug control Tampa or bed bug control Clearwater. Also, you may want to try Pest control for bed bugs near me. Or maybe, best bed bug exterminator. Whichever method you choose, make sure that the company you hire has been providing bed bug treatments. Many companies are new to providing this service. As a result, unless they are experienced in bed bug control, they might have difficulty gaining control of the Florida Bed Bug.

    Bed Bug Infestation