Living in Florida comes with a lot of upsides. Constant, sunny weather. Beautiful beaches. A booming tourism industry. Unfortunately, the tourism industry carries with it a heavy burden. And that burden? Well, just bugs that drink your blood when you’re asleep! And thanks to that heavy tourism industry in our state, we’re one of the most bed bug-infested places in America. So today we’ll talk about Dover bed bugs, how to identify them, a few methods of home control, and when it’s time to call in the pros.
Dover Bed Bugs: Overview
To begin, bed bugs are small, flat, invasive insects that drink blood as their one and only food source. At a glance, they range from reddish-brown to white as newborns in color, and about the size and shape of an apple seed, though a bit flatter. They are wingless, despite having vestigial wings that never fully develop; similar to the small leg bones that don’t develop fully in some modern snakes. After feeding, their brownish-red turns much redder as they swell and engorge themselves with blood. Some people have the misconception that they’re impossible to see with the naked eye, though this is untrue.
The hatchlings are as small as poppy seeds. And as I mentioned above, all bed bugs are visible to the naked eyes. But to see the young ones you may have to squint a little. These pests have six legs, a head, thorax, and abdomen. Healthy females of this species can lay up to five hundred eggs in their lifetime, meaning that just two or three females and a single male can become a massive infestation in a matter of weeks.
How did I get bed bugs?!
Even though the state’s interior isn’t quite the tourist destination that Orlando is, Dover bed bugs are still a very real problem you may have to face. Unlike most other pests, you can pick up these bloodsuckers just about anywhere these days. They’re not attracted to filth and clutter as much as other pests either. Clean or not, you’re an appetizing meal to a hungry bed bug. So they’ll come after you whether you clean daily, monthly, or yearly.
In all reality, it only takes one visit to a place with an infestation before you’re suddenly dealing with your own. And like I said before, two or three of these bugs clinging to your suitcase on the way home from a trip to Disney can become a massive infestation in no time at all. Bed bugs have even been known to infest planes, bus seats, and other forms of public transport before hitching a ride into people’s homes.
The other common reason many people end up with an infestation of Dover bed bugs is simply second-hand furniture. Sure, that couch on the side of the road may seem like a clean steal now, but it’s hard to say whether or not the bugs are in the springs just out of view. This goes for second-hand clothes as well. It’s good practice to keep any secondhand purchases in a sealed bag ready for the washer and drier as soon as you get home.
Infestation Signs
Obviously, the first step to dealing with any pest problem in the home is to actually find out about it being there. Obviously, if you see one walking around- assume you’re infested. To be frank, this is a very quickly reproducing insect. Because of that, by the time you notice them, you’ll probably already have way more that you DON’T see. There are a few other signs to look for as well. For example, evidence of bites. Shed skin, black droppings in your mattress, or smeared half-digested blood along with sheets or bedframes.
Also bites, welts, or bumps on your body that could belong to a bed bug. Dover bed bug bites are red, puffy, and pimply-like in appearance. In the center, there’s usually a red dot where the bug actually bit you. Some of them can fill with fluid if you have a sensitivity to bug bites. Also, bed bug bites are uniquely itchy and irritating. Especially when you first wake up, which is another sign that it’s more likely a bed bug than anything else. As for location, bedbug bites usually feed where exposed skin meets the bed. Arms, neck, and even your face. If they have to, they’ll burrow into your clothes. And finally, bed bug bites tend to follow a straight line in groups of three or more.
But there is one last way to tell. Bed bugs have a very distinct and musty odor. If your bed and the area around it smells like a locker room after football practice, there’s a good chance that these guys are your culprits. And once you realize they’re there, that’s when you get to work.
Dover Bed Bug Exterminator
Now I’ll be honest with you. This is not a pest that a layman can deal with. Even if you swept your house from top to bottom and threw out your furniture, this would likely still be an issue. Call a professional the second you see one of these bugs. They can survive in anything from electrical outlets to a corner of your carpet that you didn’t notice is a half-inch off the floor where it meets the wall. And make sure to go with a natural pest control specialist, as time and again it’s been shown that chemical pesticides are more dangerous than they’re worth to your property and your family.
In the meantime, there are some things you can do. Start with looking for infested areas. Mattress seams, box springs, headboard cracks. Also, check under your sofa cushions and along the seams of your carpets. And while you’ll never be able to get rid of all of your Dover bed bugs alone, you can put a dent in their numbers. Take a vacuum to any places you see them infested. Then make sure to seal and throw away that bag, but remember- that will only deal with the adults you can see. Bed bug eggs are much harder to spot, and who knows if you found the ONLY place they’re breeding in the house. Call a professional.