Until recently, I thought the mosquito was my least favorite pest. But it turns out I was wrong. The Deer Fly has comfortably taken its place. Today we’re going to be discussing on how to identify this winged pest, and if there’s anything that can be done about the Brandon Deer Fly.
Brandon Deer Fly: General Info
The Deer fly is a flying pest that’s about a fourth to a third of an inch long, and have wings that are clear with dark bands. Their bodies are usually grey or light brown, and sometimes they have yellow and black bee pattern stripes. They also have large, brightly colored eyes and antennae longer than their heads.
But you may ask, how did you get these horrible biters on your property. Well, the deer fly is very similar to Horseflies in behavior. They feed on the blood of humans and other warm-blooded animals. They come out in warm weather and rely on color, movement or carbon dioxide output to find hosts. The pests rarely enter homes because they prefer moist habitats like marshes, woodland ponds, and streams and there are very few practical methods that will prevent or control deer flies around the home.
Their bites are the worst part about them. The Brandon deer fly uses its mouthparts to inflict quite a bit of pain. They don’t USUALLY have a long term effect but can cause reactions in some people. Not only that, but deer flies also carry diseases and can transfer them to humans with a bad enough bite.
What To Do?
The Deer fly is tricky since they’re mostly an outdoor pest, but we can send a technician to your home to at least do a run through and see what can be done since every home is different. Feel free to contact us through our website and we’ll provide our best pest control service for your Brandon deer fly issue.