How to Get Rid of Head Lice
You may be wondering how to get rid of head lice fast. Sadly, there is no quick cure. Not every louse will be killed once a treatment happens. Generally, any treatment provided will have to be applied again to eradicate any lice that had survived the treatment.
What are Head Lice?
Head Lice are insects that live on the scalp of humans. As the name suggests, they live only on the head. This means head lice are very different from body lice. Lice found anywhere else on the body are a different type. Louse feed on blood by piercing the skin of the scalp of the heads they infest. You will find the lice in hair. Lice eggs will generally hatch in 8 or nine days of being laid. An adult louse lives for about four weeks.
What do Lice Look Like?
What does head lice look like? Adult head lice are about 3 millimeters in length. They are approximately the size of a sesame seed. Since the louse is an insect, it has six legs. The color is generally white to a grayish tan. Lice eggs, also known as nits, are oval and very small. These lice nits attach themselves to the hair itself. These nits are generally yellowish, gray, or even tan in color. I have even seen some that where white.
Where do Lice Come from?
Since head lice live on the scalp of humans to feed and breed, the lice are spread through close contact with an infected person. Head to head contact is needed. This includes sharing items such as combs and hats. Lice do not last long off of the human head. They live only a day or so without feeding. Frequently, school children become infested from school when other students have an infestation.
Lice Shampoo
Over the counter head lice shampoo is available at your local pharmacy. Follow the directions completely to get the best results.
Lice Comb
Lice comb is a great tool to remove the infestation for the head. Use the comb even if you decide to use other remedies as well. Doing so will facilitate faster control of these bugs.
Does Hair Dye Kill Lice?
Hair dye may kill some of the lice and their nits. However, it is best to stick to remedies proven to control lice such as the lice comb and lice shampoo. It is not worth taking a chance that control is not obtained and the infestation is spreading.
How to Get Rid of Lice Eggs
Combing works best for louse removal. Particularly when the wet combing technique is used. This means, wet the hair before combing. Even if the eggs will no longer hatch, they will remain in the hair. Continue this process for about three weeks.
Home Remedies for Lice
I have heard people using many things to control lice. This includes the use of tea tree oil for lice. Since there are living pests feed on your blood while living on your scalp, it is in my opinion, to use proven products and techniques to get rid of these pests as quickly as possible. While home remedies for lice may work some of the times, they may not control all infestations. Hence, prolonging the infestation.