Easing Mosquito Itch. The old mosquito. Maybe mankind’s greatest enemy outside of itself. The itching is horrible! Especially if you’re in the Tampa area and have been bitten by all the huge, invasive species that have made their way to us.
Many people get bitten by mosquitos each year, but bites can affect people differently. When mosquitoes bite, they draw out blood while injecting some of their salivae. Their saliva contains an anticoagulant and proteins.
The proteins are foreign substances that trigger the body’s immune system. To fight them the body’s immune system releases histamine, a compound that helps white blood cells get to the affected area. Histamine is what causes itchiness, inflammation, and swelling.
Sometimes if a person is bitten for the first time they won’t have a response. This is because their body hasn’t formulated a response to the foreign invader. And some people may not notice bites at all. Others may build up a tolerance over time. When an irritating bite does appear, it’s good to know what remedies work to ease the itchiness.
Use alcohol to clean the area, since it has a cooling effect and will help avoid infections. Honey, oatmeal, and basil are also all good natural ways to ease the itching. Lidocaine and benzocaine are numbing agents in over-the-counter creams. They offer temporary relief from itchiness and pain. For extra benefits, look for creams that contain menthol or peppermint.
Aloe vera gel is shown to have anti-inflammatory properties for wound healing and calming infections. The cool feeling of the gel may also soothe any itchiness. Keep an aloe vera plant around the house. You can cut the leaves and apply the gel directly.