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Florida cities with worst bed bugs   arrow

Do you plan on traveling this summer? Well, it comes without saying that if you stay in a hotel you want to avoid certain kinds of blood-sucking roommates, so knocking a few of these Florida cities off of your list may be a good idea. Orkin released a ranking of the top fifty cities in the country with the biggest and most bed bugs and quite a few of our own appeared on the last.

Coming in at number thirty-one was Tampa, with Orlando, Daytona Beach, And Melbourne tying for thirty-eight, and Miami and Fort Lauderdale share a spot at number four three. This is Orlando’s first time appearing on the list since 2011.

Thankfully none of our cities made the top five on the list of offenders, with the worst being Chicago, Los Angeles, Washington D.C., New York City, and Columbus, Ohio. According to the news release, the Orkin company compiled the list by ranking the cities by the number of bed bug treatments that the company has serviced throughout 2015, both residential and commercial.

“Bed bugs are the great hitchhiker of the bug world, and they are very difficult to control without professional help,” Orkin Entomologist and Technical Services Director Ron Harrison, Ph.D., said in a release. “Bed bugs can travel in luggage and other personal belongings to enter your home. They don’t just hide in beds – they can be found in furniture, bed posts, rugs, and even electrical outlets.”

The company advises you to survey your hotel room for signs of infestation, lift and look in hiding spots for bed bugs, keep your luggage off the floor, and examine luggage before during and after a trip, and make sure to place all dryer safe clothing in a dryer at the hottest temperature advised following a trip to avoid bed bugs.